Hareketli Robotların Kinematik Değişkenlerinin Tahmin Edilmesi İçin Test Platform Tasarımı
Research on mobile requires that one has knowledge on motor, sensor, and mechanic, perceptual and cognitive topics. It is evident that robotics research is an interdisciplinary field. Researchers who works on robotic problem must have a broad knowledge about mechanisms, kinematic, dynamics and control theory. In order to devise robust perception system, researcher must have good knowledge of signal analysis, embedded electronics, and computer programming techniques.Among many problems associated with this field of science, localization of a mobile robot has attracted the most attention from the robotics community. Sensors such as encoders, gyroscope, accelerometer, and compass has been intensively used in estimation theory frame i.e. Kalman filter, to estimate the pose and heading of mobile robots, however, estimation theory is not free of flaws and it requires that certain assumption are met before, the statistical filter is put in use.