Eskişehir-Karaçam Lateritik Cevherinden Basınçlı Sülfürik Asit Liçi ile Nikel Kazanımı
In this study, the dissolution behaviour of Karaçam (Mihalıççık-Eskişehir, Turkey) lateritic nickel ore by high pressure acid sulphuric acid leaching (HPAL) method was investigated. First of all, the ore was characterized by chemical and mineralogical analyses and it was found that Karaçam ore is a limonitic laterite ore containing 1.37% Ni, 0.076% Co, 47.72% Fe2O3 and 1.56% MgO. Following identification, the effects of acid ore ratio (0.1-0.6 g g), leaching temperature (200-240°C) and leaching time (30-120 minutes) on the dissolution behaviours and ratios of Ni, Co, Fe, Mg, Al, Mn, Ca, Si and Cr components in the ore were determined by chemical and XRD analyses.Although the increase of leaching temperature or leaching time increased the amounts of dissolved Ni and Co components in the ore, the highest Ni and Co dissolutions were reached only at acid ore ratio of 0.3. The use of higher amounts of acid for leaching decreased the amount of dissolved Ni and Co and caused the formation of basic ferric sulphate (FeOHSO4).