Kovaryans Eşlemeli Krigleme Yöntemi ile Kaynak Kestirimi
Mineral resource is a concentration of a mineral or minerals which are found in a
shape and amount so that it can be exploited economically. These resources are
commonly characterised with their grades and tonnages. Resource estimation
refers to estimation of tonnage and grade. Resource estimation is the most
important step of evaluating a mineralization. Resorce estimates are used in
making decisions about opening up a new mine or planning future investments for
an operating mine. There are many methods used in industry for the purpose of
resource estimation. Kriging is a widely used method among them. However it
underestimates high values whereas overestimates low values and therefore leads
to a smoothing in estimation.
In this thesis, an hybrid method that combines unbiasedness property of kriging
and spatial variability property of simulation is used. This method can also be used
for the estimation of ore deposits which consist related multi variables. For this
pupose, some functional codes are included in the main program and the
developed method is named as “Covariance Matching Kriging (CMK)”. The CMK
method and the other known methods are aplied to different real cases obtained
form drill hole logs and the results are evaluated comparatively.