Su Kimyasının Killerin Dispersivitesi Üzerindeki Etkisinin Araştırılması ve Dispersivitenin Kestirimi İçin Ampirik İlişkilerin Geliştirilmesi
This study aims to investigate the various factors used for definition of dispersivity, effects of water chemistry on dispersivity and also to develop some new approaches for prediction of dispersivity of clays. To achieve this purpose physical and index properties as well as degree of dispersivity of twenty nine clay sample taken from five different location in and around the city of Ankara were determined, crumb and pinhole tests were performed to asses effect of water chemistry on dispersivity and some statistical prediction models were used for prediction of new dispersivity classes obtained by weigthting ranking method. It was thought that based on the results obtained from these tests some contribution to both determination of dispersivity and achivement of more reliable results would be provided. In order to determine the effect of water chemistry on dispersivity crumb and pinhole tests were performed by using solutions with different total dissolved salts values (TDS).