Hidrojenlendirilmiş Nanokristal Silisyum Alt-Oksit (Nc-Siox:H, X 1) İnce Filmlerin Üretimi ve Karakterizyonu
Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon suboxide (nc-SiOx:H; x 1) thin film samples have been produced on glass and single crystalline silicon substrates, by using highly diluted silane and carbon dioxide gas mixture (SiH4 CO2) with hydrogen (H2) gas, in an RF-PECVD system operating at 13.56 MHz. Three different sets of samples have been prepared with an RF Power density of 60 mW cm2, the total pressure of the vacuum chamber of 1900 mTorr and the substrate temperature of 150 C. The hydrogen dilution rate was adjusted to 90, 95 and 99 %. The samples within each set were grown by varying systematically the carbon dioxide flow rates from 0 to 85 %.In characterizing the samples we used Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, optical transmittance, constant photocurrent method (CPM), temperature dependent dark conductivity and Raman scattering techniques. With the help of the absorption coefficient spectra deduced from FTIR transmittance experiment, the atomic concentrations of hydrogen and oxygen contents were calculated