Covid-19 Pnömonisi ile Yoğun Bakımda İnvaziv Mekanik Ventilatör Tedavisi Verilen Hastalarda Ventilasyon İlişkili Sorunların Sürveyansında Ventilatör İlişkili Olay (Vio) ve Ventilatör İlişkili Pnömoni (Vip) Tanımlarının Karşılaştırılması
Karadeniz Güven D., Comparison of Ventilator related events (VAE) and
Ventilator associated pneumonia(VAP) definitions in the surveillance of
ventilation-related problems in critically ill COVID-19 patients in intensive care
unit. Hacettepe University School of Medicine Department of Chest Diseases
Specialty Thesis, Ankara, 2022. VAP is very common in critically ill COVİD-19
patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome due to prolonged invasive
mechanical ventilation. The complication of VAP; significantly affects the success of
treatment. There is currently no valid definition for VAP and most widely used VAP
criteria and definitions are neither sensitive nor specific. Various surveillance criteria
and algorithms have been developed to determine VAP rates and to establish VAP
prevention strategies. The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of
traditional and new surveillance definitions in the determination of mechanical
ventilator related complications in patients receiving IMV therapy with COVID-19
pneumonia and to determine clinical characteristics of the patients with VAP and
VAE. In addition, to investigate the relationship between VAP and VAE with mortality
and other clinical outcomes. In this study, 77 patients who received IMV therapy
longer than forty-eight hours in Hacettepe University Department of Internal
Medicine, COVID-19 ICU were evaluated with VAP and VAE active surveillance
during one year study period. VAP was detected in 33 (42.8%) patients according to
traditional PNEU/VAP criteria. The incidence of VAP was found 13.55 per 1000
ventilator days. The median length of IMV stay was found 22 (10-48) days in patients
who developed VAP. This period was shorter, median 12 (3-77) days in patients who
did not develop VAP (p<0.001). During the follow up VAE developed in 15 (% 19.5)
patients. The incidence of VAE was found 6.16 per 1000 ventilator days. CDC VAP
criteria detected higher rate of VAP when compared with VAE in patients with
COVID-19. There were 11 patients who met both VAP and VIO criteria, and 8 of them
was detected before VAE.