Türkiye-Yunanistan ve Bulgaristan Sınırlarındaki Düzensiz Göç Hareketleri İçerisinde Sığınmacıların Deneyimleri
This thesis is carried out to reveal the difficulties, loss of rights, and psychosocial needs of asylum seekers who have been trying to cross to Europe by land or sea through irregular migration through Turkey in 2020-2021 or who have been pushed back, during and after their stay in the border regions. Fifteen asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Palestine, Angola, and Senegal were reached by snowball sampling method in this study, which was conducted with a qualitative research design. In-depth interviews were conducted with the participants using semi-structured interview forms. The collected data were analyzed by thematic analysis. The findings were gathered under the themes of factors affecting the decision to migrate to Europe, experiences at different stages of the migration process, and expectations from managers and service providers. It has been observed that the factors affecting the decisions of the participants are shaped by three different categories: the country of origin, the transit country, and Turkey. Their experiences during the migration process are categorized time-wise during and after the journey, as stylistically positive and negative experiences. Finally, it has been tried to understand the expectations of the managers and service providers. As a result, it has been seen that asylum seekers have many negative experiences that affect their decision to migrate to Europe, but they have the same negative experiences and similar more negative experiences during the migration process. It has been observed that when their migration journeys are forced to end, they are faced with the loss of their rights. Regarding these results, suggestions have been developed within the framework of micro, mezzo, and macro-level applications of social work for the protection and development of the rights of asylum seekers in the field of irregular migration.