Biz Olamayan Ben(lik): Türkiyedeki Kürt Göçmenlerin Aidiyet Deneyimleri
owadays, identity is a concept that contains many facts such as ethnicity,
language, similarity-diversity, religion, otherness and belonging. When it comes to
migration, the meanings of these concepts vary in the process and according to the
conjuncture. Considering a multinational geography as Turkey, it becomes more
complicated to make sense of identity for societies that are considered as minorities after
the establishment of the nation-state.
This thesis study includes the migration that the Kurdish ethnic identity, which is
not constitutionally accepted as a minority after the establishment of the nation state, had
to do with economic reasons. It focuses on the division of indefinite line between
concepts of "we" a signification of identity which comes from being similar and ‘I’ an
emphasis on individuality in this migration experiences. It conveys the belonging in daily
life and identity experiences of the interviewees through their own narratives with the
framework of an ethnographic fieldwork. In the study, there are working immigrant
Kurdish subjects who maintain their own ethnic identity together with the officially
accepted identity and lived in two different regions of Turkey, namely east and west. The
study, which was carried out through in-depth interviews, was limited to 5 people. Main
questions of the thesis text are Where does the belonging of 'we' occur and Where does
it need the 'I' which is individual? What role do belonging and in-betweenness play in
identity acquisition?
Keywords: Ethnic Identity, Belonging, In-betweenness, We, Migration,