İnternet Servis ve Kaynakları Üzerinden İşlenmiş Veri Sağlayan Bir Platform Geliştirilmesi
Every day increasing information resources makes it harder to reach to the needed piece of information and users do not want 10 billion results from search engines, but they prefer 10 best matched answers, even if it exists they prefer the right answer. In this research,we present a Turkish question answering system that extracts the most suitable answer from internet services and resources. During the question analyzing period, the question class is determined,from the lexical and morphological properties of words in the question certain expressions are predicted and our two-stage solution approach tries to get the answer. In information retrieval process, the system works over the documents using semantic web information instead of classic search engine retrieved documents. In order to reach easily to needed information among increasing resources, Tim Berner Lee's idea of semantic web information is used in this research.