Görsel Çözümlemeler: Antroposen Çağında Doğa İnsan İlişkisi
The concepts of nature and human have been studied in many different fields such as philosophy and science. In addition, the bond between nature and human beings comes from ancient times to the present day. Man has tried to live in nature since the first known history. As he got to know the environment in which he lived, he thought that he could establish superiority in nature and changed his place according to himself. As man continued to evolve, he continued to change nature. Such degradation of nature is accepted as proof that we have entered the Anthropocene age, which is known as the human age today. The Anthropocene age is a new geological age in which the impact on the world reached the highest level with the development of human beings. This mixing of people with nature also shows itself in the field of art. Throughout the thesis, the destruction caused by man on nature and its reflection on art are mentioned.
The relationship between nature and man has been the focus of attention of artists in many fields of art, from cave paintings until today. Animals, another living species trying to survive in nature, have also been given a lot of space in the field of art. Extinction of animals, in particular, is considered an irreversible disaster.
The aim of this thesis is to visually analyze the increasing natural destruction in the Anthropocene age by depicting animal and human figures. It is emphasized that the nature's own order is disturbed by external factors. Research has been done on the link between human and non-human in the fields of science, art and auxiliary fields. In line with the researches, it is aimed to reveal the invisible or unnoticed aspects of the destruction of nature with concepts such as the butterfly effect and the seventh continent.