Studies on fandom mostly
ignores the experiences of female fandom, considering it as a homogeneous
structure.However, research on female fandom reveals that female fans have different
experiences than male fans and they have difficulty in accepting real supporters in the
field of fandom.The gender order ensures that the order in fandom, which is accepted
as the domain of men and marginalizes women, is revealed.Socialization theory is
guiding in order to reveal how this gender order is formed.This thesis study, which was
conducted with a qualitative research paradigm, was carried out with 13 fans, 5 male
and 8 female, who were fans of different teams.The data of the study were collected
through semi-structured individual interviews.The data collected as a result of the
interviews were analyzed through thematic data analysis method.At the end of the
analysis, two themes were reached as “Gender Order in Football Fans” and
“Socialization Through Fans”.The research revealed that football fandom is accepted as
a male domain, at the same time, violence identified with masculinity is normalized and
women are accepted as alterityin fandom.It has revealed that this gender order is
constructed through the agents of socialization, family, education, friendship and the
media, and is constantly reproduced through these agents
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