Gıda Ürünlerinde Mikrobiyal Bozulmaya Neden Olan Pseudeomonas Spp. Bakterisinin Yüzey Plazmon Rezonans (SPR) Temelli Biyosensör Kullanılarak Belirlenmesi
Nutrition is the intake of the nutrients they need in sufficient and balanced amounts in order to maintain healthy and quality living conditions. In order to meet the nutritional needs of the world population, which is expected to exceed 9 billion in 2050, a global struggle has been started and countries have industrialized food production so that food can meet the needs of the population. Industrialization caused insecurity against food due to reasons such as developing technology in food production, environmental pollution, changing consumption habits in the globalization process, low level of education and income, subcontracting, and lack of necessary physical investments in food production units. Food safety is the totality of measures taken to prevent physical, chemical and biological damages in food. It is known that 17.2% of the world population is insecure about food and one of the most important causes of food insecurity is due to food poisoning due to food spoilage.
In order to maintain the quality and reliability of food for consumption, food products must be stored under certain storage conditions for certain periods of time. Fresh cereal products, meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, fruits and vegetables, protein, carbohydrate, fats, various organic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, which usually cause malodor, flavor, color and texture changes at the end of the shelf life. Due to the breakdown of compounds such as cellulose and pectin, microbiological, autolytic-enzymatic and oxidative deterioration processes are observed in foods. They reported that it was realized by.
Pseudomonas species are contaminated with fresh foods such as eggs, meat, milk, poultry, seafood and vegetables due to their widespread presence with water, soil and plants. Pseudomonas bacteria, which are in the psychrotroph group, are important microbial disruptors, especially in refrigerated foods, as they can use acids, amino acids, lipids, pectin, peptides, proteins and triacylglycerels as energy sources instead of carbohydrates.
In order to accelerate industrial production and to meet the consumption needs of a sufficient amount of reliable food, techniques that allow fast, reliable and precise determinations are required in order to determine food quality and contaminated products. Rapid diagnosis and detection in food products is critical for foodborne disease control.
Surface plasmon resonance biosensors are among the methods that can be used today as an alternative to traditional cultural methods. Molecular imprinted polymer based surface plasmon resonance biosensors; Because of its low cost, fast and high quality detection, not requiring competent personnel and having high analysis sensitivity, the ability of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based biosensors to measure simultaneously without the need for any marking step has increased the importance of their use in microbial detections.
In the study, Pseudomonas spp. Molecularly imprinted polymer-based surface plasmon resonance biosensor has been prepared in order to perform quantitative analysis of bacteria bacteria simultaneously. The polymer structure is imprinted on the SPR sensor surface with the microcontact printing method. Characterization analyzes were carried out in order to control the effective suppression processes in the prepared molecular imprinted polymer-based surface plasmon biosensor. In order to determine the selectivity, affinity, reusability and binding-dissociation rate kinetics of the biosensor, comparative studies were carried out in suppressed and non-suppressed polymer-based biosensors. Pseudomonas spp. In order to compare the reliability and accuracy of the cultural method used in the analysis of the bacteria bacteria and the prepared MIP-based SPR biosensor, the data obtained in the SPR biosensor with the cultural method performed simultaneously in the Ankara Food Control Laboratory in the chicken fillet product were evaluated.
According to the data obtained in the thesis study, the prepared Pseudomonas spp, suppressed surface plasmon resonance biosensor can be used as an alternative to the current cultural method, as well as having effective suppression quality, selectivity and affinity.
- Biyomühendislik [76]