Since the first days of its existence, human beings wanted to export what they had in their mind, their dreams or what they wanted to tell. It is possible to see this even in the cave walls since the early ages. The existence process of art started in this way and today it is divided into many different branches.
Mankind has always been willing to seek the truth. He made various inventions and discoveries to reach the truth with his time frame from past to present. It did not give up its desire to reach the truth in art, and it was possible to see this quest both in art movements and in different art branches.
Animation, one of these branches, is known as the images obtained by arranging the pictures one after the other with the simplest definition. In this case, it is possible to say that each frame of the animation requires a separate artistic view, talent and skill. It can be said that it is always connected with information and technology that separates animation from other branches of art and that the moving images are perceived by the human eye more quickly. Animal figures with many legs depicting the movement that we have seen in cave paintings in the past tells us the human interest in the movement. Human is a very easily distracted being. However, it is observed as a result of scientific studies that the moving images are more remarkable because they appeal to more sense organs compared to a fixed image. For this reason, it is an indisputable fact that animation is more memorable than an image that stands alone in terms of narrative power in any subject.
Animation has been divided into many branches in parallel with the development of technology from past to present. These techniques, which vary according to the construction techniques and materials used, take their place in many different sectors. Medical animation, which is one of them, is used more in the fields of education of medical students, informing intermediate staff such as patient, patient relatives, doctor information, nurse, medical technician, and a more realistic expression language, especially thanks to the Three Dimensional Technique is formed.
In the first part of the thesis, which is based on the visual realism of three-dimensional animation, the general definition of the animation, its history, the first inventions that emerged during the formation process, and how these inventions formed the basis of a three-dimensional animation, and the elements that existed in the construction of an animation.
In the second part of the thesis; The medical science and how medical illustration emerged, the historical development, the first medical pictures, the development process in our country and its use with animation were examined.
Within the scope of the third part of the thesis, the wide usage areas of animation are investigated in detail. Animation appears in many areas today. Different sectors have benefited from the three-dimensional animation technique due to the dynamic and reality it creates with the developing technology.
In the last part of the thesis, medical animation application is included. Increasing needs in the field of medicine in our country, heavy theoretical medicine knowledge; It has made the information of patients, relatives, doctors, medical students, nurses and medical staff more understandable thanks to three-dimensional animations. Many studies conducted today have proven that explaining pure theoretical knowledge by using animation is more successful than pure theoretical and written expression. Animation has undoubtedly become a clean communication tool in today's world, where correct communication, delivering information to the recipient correctly and reliably, and minimizing information pollution are very important.
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