Mythology is the whole myth that has made sense and shaped the life of humanity for millennias. The person who has been trying to make sense of himself and his environment since his existence, has integrated the various beliefs with his life, eliminated the need for emotional warm up and found strength and solace to survive the difficulties that left him helpless. These difficulties were addressed in various periods of history, sometimes with the personification of a "devil" at the level of imagination, and sometimes with the concept of "evil", to be defined and grounded on a comprehensible meaning ground. The fictional characters and events that stand out with their evil qualities have contributed to the process of making sense of the environment in which they live, but they constitute an important part of the mythological literature.
Evil is an important field of thought for philosophy, and in its content it is present and running in the content of various beliefs. Evil, which is a meaning step where thought and belief is nurtured throughout history, with the effect of its strong relationship with mythology, has been an effective and continuous source for artistic production.
In this thesis, the events and characters in ancient mythology are dealt with in the context of their relationship with moral evil and plastic examples of these events and characters interpreted by artists in various periods are examined. Following a theoretical research and analysis that examines the adventure of the concept of moral evil with mythology in the history of art, a series of applications have been carried out in which the relationship of moral evil and mythology is central.
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