Hidrofilik Etkileşim Kromatografisi ve Ters Faz Sıvı Kromatografisi İçin Yeni Polimetakrilat Bazlı Monolitik Kapiler Kolonların Hazırlanması, Karakterizasyonu ve Biyokromatografide Kullanımı
The goal of the research reported in this dissertation is to develop hydrophilic and reverse phase polymethacrylate-based monoliths for use in biochromatographic applications by means of capillary electrochromatography and nano-liquid chromatography. First part of this research involves the preparation and characterization of different types of polymethacrylate-based monoliths. The polymeric monoliths were synthesized by in-situ polymerization in presence of porogen in fused silica capillaries. After established the appropriate ratios between monomer and crosslinker, the porous structure of monoliths were optimized by changing the ratios of monomer solution to porogen. The morphological properties of capillary monoliths were studied and further examined by Scanning electron microscope.