Megabombus Dalla Torre, 1880 Altcinsi (Hymenoptera: Apıdae, Bombus Latreılle) Türleri Üzerinde Sistematik Araştırmalar ve Bombus Arılarının Örtü Altı Tarımda Tozlaştırıcı Etkileri Üzerine Çalışmalar
In this study it was aimed to be used of landmark based geometric morphometric studies within the 5 species which belong the Megabombus. In addition, pollinating effects of bumblebee in greenhouse were studied. Within this study, wings structure of total 1097 specimens that are distributed in western Palaearctic were analyzed. Geometrical morphometry analyses were carried out on 703 workers, 173 queens and 221 males within these species. After placing landmarks on the right fore wings, two-dimensional Cartesian coordinates were calculated, then by Procrustes analysis the coordinates were standardized and the deformations which observed in the wings after the thin-plate spline analysis were analyzed by comparing. By using calculated mean values from according to the results a similarity tree was formed in between species. According to the results all species were clearly and distinctly found to be different.