Interferon Regülatör Faktör 3 (Irf3) Geninin Genetik Analizi
Interferon Regulating Factor 3 (IRF3) protein is a member of IRF (Interferon Regulating Factors) family. Most of IRFs play an important role in the constitution of responses to pathogens, differentiation hematopoietic cells, regulation of gene expression, the regulation of the cell cycle and apoptosis. Interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) is a transcription factor. IRF3 is located in the cytoplasm as an inactive form in many cells. Upon virus infection, IRF3 is activated and is translocated to the nucleus, where it induces the transcription of target genes.The purpose of this search is to show the association between frequency of genetic variation of IRF3 gene with asthma in Turkish population.Asthma is a complex disease, whose mechanism has not been completely displayed, which is characterized by reversible airway contraction, extreme bronchial sensitivity, and airway inflammation.