Prematüre Bebeklerde Duyu Bütünleme Müdahale Programının Duyusal Işlemleme, Emosyonel ve Adaptif Cevaplar Üzerine Etkisi
Sensory processing disorders could be seen in premature infants. It should be considered that two important factors cause to these problems. These factors are inadequate neurologic and biological systems of premature infants and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit's (NICU) enviroment does not meet the sensory needs of premature infants. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of individualised sensory integration interventions on sensory processing skills, emotional and adaptive functions in premature infants. Thirty four premature infants that corrected ages 28 weeks were taken as an intervention group for the study. Thirty four term infants at the same ages were taken as a control group for study. Infants's sensory processing skills were evaluated by Bebeklerde Duyu Fonksiyonları Testi (BDFT), emotional functions were evaluated by Fonksiyonel Emosyonel Değerlendirme Skalası (FEDS) and adaptive functions were evaluated by Bebek/Yürümeye Başlayan Çocuk Semptom Kontrol Listesi (BYSKL). Premature infants who were taken to one session per week, 45 minutes each through eight weeks were compared again with the same parameters of term infants who were 36 weeks of aged. Premature infants had worse sensory processing skills, emotional and adaptive functions when compared with term infants in preintervention (p<0,01). When differences were compared between the first and second evaluations of intervention and the control group's sensory processing skills, emotional and adaptive functions significant differences were found in favor of intervention group (p<0,01). Significant positive correlation was found between birth weight, birth week and BDFT test score of preintervention (p<0,01). Also significant negative correlation was found between NICU duration of hospitalization and BDFT test score of preintervention (p<0,01). It was found a significant negative correlation between preintervention BDFT total score and BYSKL score of premature infants (p<0,05). The correlation between preintervention BDFT score and FEDS's symbolic and sensory play score of premature infants were significantly positive (p<0,01). As a result, sensory integration intervention of occupational therapy programs interventions is an efficient method for increasing sensory processing skills, emotional and adaptive functions of infants. Premature infants should be evaluated for sensory processing disorders; emotional and adaptive functions which may be caused of these problems and individualised sensory integration interventions should be implemented with family education.