Düşünce-Eylem Kaynaşması Deneyiminin Oluşturulması ve Düzeyinin Azaltılması Mümkün mü?
Objective: This study aims to examine the effects of the induction of thought-action fusion (TAF) on appraisal process, by using an enhanced paradigm which integrates the favourable aspects of Sentence Completion Task (SCT) with Obsessive-Compulsive (OC)-like perseverative reasoning (PR) task. The study also aims to evaluate the effect of psychoeducation (PE) on alleviating the level of TAF-Induction experience. Method: A total of three groups were formed. The first group with high OC traits (47 participants), a second with low OC traits (70 participants) were the two analogue groups; and a third group composed of patients with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) (52 participants) were used. For induction of TAF, all participants were asked to construct a causal link between two OC-like feared situations in a perseverative fashion. Later, for alleviation, while half of the participants read psychoeducational information about TAF, the remaining half read information about stress. Appraisal processes regarding TAF-Likelihood and TAF-Morality components were assessed before and after enhanced paradigm, and after PE. Results: With the current methodology, the likelihood component of TAF could be obtained by the induction of experience. PE about TAF appeared to be effective only on TAF-likelihood component when compared to TAF-morality component. Contrary to the expectations, there was no difference between OCD group and the two analogue groups on TAF-Likelihood scores. In addition, also unexpectedly, participants in the analogue group having high OC traits had significantly higher scores on TAF-Morality compared to OCD group. Discussion: Clinical implications are discussed in the light of literature.