Annelerle Yapılan Motivasyonel Görüşmelerin Okul Öncesi Dönemdeki Çocuğun Medya Etkileşimine ve Saldırganlık Davranışlarına Etkisi.
The study, the evaluate the mothers made were conducted to effects of motivational interviewing on preschool children in the media interaction and aggression behavior. The research population consisted of that stored in Konya Karatay Fevzi Cakmak Kindergarten registered children aged 3-6 and their mothers (n = 74). Working with 30 children and their mothers in the 2013-2014 school year, quasi-experimental design was carried out. In the collection of research data; for families and children to collect descriptive and relevant information "Descriptive Characteristics of Families and TV Monitoring Video/Computer Game Play Information Form", which is in the process mothers to detect changes "Media Interaction Diagnostic Stages of Change Form" and to evaluate the children aggressiveness "Preschool Social Behavior Scale Teacher Form (OÖSDÖ-SP)" was used. The data obtained from this study were evaluated in the program SPSS 15:00. Evaluation of the data; frequency, percentage, correlation, paired sample, Wilcoxon and McNemar tests were used. In this study was determined that decrease in children in front of the screen time (TV, computer /console games), increase in children of mothers in the media controls (pre-review, scheduled and co-monitoring, self-explanatory aid, according to the classification system of smart signs monitoring) and decrease in children's aggressive behavior. The results of this study for the first time is also applied in this area motivational interviewing technical feasibility of the method indicate a successful.