Afet Hemşireliği Ve Yönetimi Nin Hemşire Öğrencilere Öğretimi: Jenning'in Hemşirelikte Afet Yönetim Modeli'nin Kullanılması
The study was carried out for disaster nursing and management teaching to nursing students by using Jenning’s Disaster Nursing Management Model as a quasi-experimental design. The study was conducted with 75 students from intervention group and 75 students from control group in the academic year 2010-2011 who accepted to participate in voluntarily. A 14 week’s training program on Disaster Nursing Management was developed and implemented to students. Data was collected through disaster nursing and management questionnaire implemented to the students. Statistical analysis, t-test, ANOVA analysis and percentage were used for evaluation of the dates. There were significant differences statistically between the results of intervention group pre-post test scores and control group pre-post tests scores which were defined as control group. These differences revealed that Jenning’s nursing disaster management model can be implemented in the lessons for nursing students on disaster nursing and management. There were significant differences between the answers given by the groups for the questions which are enquiring about nurses tasks before, during and after a disaster (p<0,05). This differences between Hacettepe University pre and post test values was statistically significant as well (p<0,05).This statistically significant difference proved that intervention group2010-2011 academic year students learned pre-on-post responsibilities of disaster nursing. From the result of the study, it can be derived that qualification and timeline of the training given students is enough for them to learn. It showed that there were statistically significant difference among the number of students who perceived disaster nursing and management. Findings from this study indicated that Jennings’s model can be used and the lesson of disaster nursing and management can be applied into nursing curriculum.