Tanzimat'a Giden Yolda Bir Osmanlı Kenti Sivas : (1777-1839)
This study on the administrative and social structure of the City of Sivas in the years 1777-1839, is divided into three parts. The first part is more of an introduction to the subject and briefly describes the region where the City of Sivas is located. This is followed by a description of the administrative organization of the Ottoman provinces before the Tanzimat, the administrative structure of the Province of Sivas, and an account of incidents with bandits (eşkıya), of the war, and similar events that affected the life in the province from the last quarter of the 18th century to the pre-Tanzimat period. Thus, this part attempts to provide an insight into the conditions prevailing in the geographical region Sivas is located. The parts which make up the core of the study are the second and the third, titled Administration and The City, respectively.