İsyandan Cumhuriyete: Hollanda’ nın İspanya’ya Karşı Bağımsızlık Mücadelesi (1597-1648)
The thesis is mainly built up of three parts. Initially, the break out of Dutch Revolt, the main strategy of Spain toward the rebellion and the term until 1609- the sign of Twelve Years Truce- shall be examined. At this point, some documents and the literature of Dutch Revolt shall be scanned and benefited.In the second part of this work, at the era between 1609-1621, the politics and strategies that both sides tried to realize and implement shall be evaluated. Especially, herein, some documents that have been taken from General Simancas at Valladolid and related literature shall be utilized. Hence, at the light of this combination, some observations shall be examined. At the third point, the relations among Dutch Republic- Spain shall be evaluated with the help of search of some political issues in Europe at the same period between 1621-1648. Moreover, apart from at Europe, the fronts of the struggle in America and Asia shall be studied considerably.