1989 Bulgaristan Zorunlu Göçünü Yaşamış Aileler İle Göç Yaşantısı Olmayan Ailelerin Şema Modeli Açısından İncelenmesi
The primary purpose of this study is to test whether if the forced immigration makes a difference in terms of schema therapy model. For this purpose, 109 families which experienced 1989 Bulgaria forced immigration consist of mother-father-child was compared with 104 families which have never immigrated before in terms of schema therapy model. The data were collected via Young Schema Questionnaire Short Form, Young Parenting Inventory, Brief Symptom Inventory, Demographic Information Form I and Demografic Information Form II. Repeated Measure ANOVA were used in analyzing the data. The results showed that families with forced immigration experience have higher scores than families without immigration in terms of abandonment schema and mothers and fathers conditional/ focused of succes parenting styles.