Bağlanma Örüntüleri ve Psikolojik İyilik Hali Arasındaki İlişkilerde Duygusal Şemalar, Duygusal ZorlanmayaTolerans ve Kişilerarası Beklentilerin Rolü
In this study, it is aimed to model the role of emotion regulation (taken as emotional schemas and tolerance deficiency towards negative emotions) and regulation of interpersonal domain (taken as interpersonal schemas) in the relationship between attachment and psychological well-being. The participants are students from Hacettepe University who are studying in different departments. Sampling of the research is specified as 178 women and 113 men which forms a total of 291 person. Relationship Scales Questionnaire (RSQ), Interpersonal Schema Questionnaire (ISQ), Leahy Emotional Schema Scale (LESS), Distress Intolerance Index and The Symptom Checklist-90-R were administed to the participants. In the extent of the research. Models which are named as “emotional schemes model” and “interpersonal schemes model” were evaluated separately for men and women.