Duyguların, Duygu Düzenlemenin, Obsesif İnançların, Düşünce Kontrolünün ve Bağlanmanın, Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluktaki Farklı Belirtilerdeki Rollerinin İncelenmesi
The aim of this study was to examine the relations between obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms, attachment, variables related with emotions and cognitions in a clinical sample. The relative contributions of emotions feeling frequency, self elaboration about emotions, emotion regulation strategies, emotion regulation difficulties, obsessive beliefs and thought control strategies were examined in this study. Moreover, the mediator roles of these variables between attachment and OCD symptoms were interested. Firstly, the preliminary study was done with 224 non-clinical participants to evaluate validity and reliability of the form measures emotions feeling frequency and self elaboration about emotions. According to results of this study the form was decided to be used in clinical study. Secondly, the clinical study was done with 101 OCD patients.