3-5 Yaş Arasında ve Anaokuluna Giden ÇocukAnnelerinin Ayrılma Kaygısı ve Bağlanma Biçimleri İle Çocuğun Davranışları ve Ayrılma Kaygısı Arasındaki İlişki: Bilişsel Esnekliğin Aracı Rolü
The aim of the research is to examine the relationship between separation anxiety and attachment style of the kindergartner’s mother and to investigate the relationship between attachment style with the child's behavior and separation anxiety. In this context it has also looked into the role of mediator between attachment styles of mothers and separation anxiety of cognitive flexibility. The relationship between the mother and the child's separation anxiety as well as the scope of the study has examined the relationship between child and maternal separation anxiety in the context of thechild's social skills and problem behavior. The relationship between the mother and the child's separation anxiety as well as the scope of the study has examined the relationship between child and maternal separation anxiety in the context of the child's social skills and problem behavior.