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dc.contributor.advisorÇayli Rahte , Emek
dc.contributor.authorFlores Conejeros , Dennisse
dc.identifier.citationFlores, D (2019). Media and Democracy: The past, present and the future of press freedom in Chile. Hacettepe University. Master Thesis. Ankara, Turkey.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractToday Press freedom in Chile is not a relevant issue because it is been thought that there is almost no problem related to freedom of expression. However, this Latin American country has a long history to tell. By means of media freedom, today Chile is an a good situation regarding the rankings of Democracy and Press Freedom in the world. But after years of hard struggles in the last 50 years, Chile enforce universal rights such as press freedom and freedom of expression. The experiences during the government of Salvador Allende and later Dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet cemented the path of the media and the journalism practices. Standing on this historical context, this study aims to discuss the working conditions that journalists had in the past and what they have today in relation to freedom of expression and the press freedom. To achieve that goal, 15 interviews were conducted to journalists who worked at different times in the history of Chile to demonstrate and understand the transformation of Chilean journalism in the last 50 years. Their experiences and perspectives will allow to open the debate on journalistic practices and the conditions of journalism in the past, present and future in Chile.tr_TR
dc.description.tableofcontentsACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL……………………………………………….…. i YAYIMLAMA VE FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI BEYANI ....……………….…… ii ETİK BEYAN..................................................................................................... iii DEDICATION..................…………………………...................……………..….... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ v ABSTRACT ..……………………………………………………………………....... vi TURKISH ABSTRACT ………………………………………………................... vii TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………....... viii TABLES………………………………………………………………………………. xii PICTURES…………………………………………………………….……………... xiii GRAPHICS……………………………………………………………..……………. xvi LIST OF JOURNALITS INTERVIEWED………………………………………… .xv INTRODUCTION…………………………………….……………..…..……..………1 CHAPTER 1: MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY 1.1. UNDERSTANDING DEMOCRACY………………………..………………15 1.2. MAIN TYPES OF DEMOCRACY AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS…20 1.3. UNDERSTANDING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY……………..........................................................22 1.4. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND PRESS FREEDOM.......................26 1.4.1. Liberal Doctrine.............................................................................28 1.4.2. Freedom of speech according to Locke and Mill..........................33 1.5. MEDIA FREEDOM: IDEOLOGY, POWER AND OWNERSHIP.............40 1.6. LIMITS OF FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION………………………….…….43 1.7. MEDIA AND POLICY REGARDING THE FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION IN CHILE.............................................................................................45 CHAPTER 2: JOURNALİSM İN CHİLE (1970 – 1990) 2.1. JOURNALISM IN THE ERA OF SALVADOR ALLENDE (1970 - 1973)…................................……………………………….…49 2.1.1. Allende: a piece of him….........…......…………...…………….....…49 2.1.2. Allende in the face of the world: historical context….................…50 2.1.3. Economic program of the Allende conglomerate……….…………52 2.1.4. United state against to Allende..................................................... 54 2.2. THE PRESS IN THE TIMES OF ALLENDE AND THE UNIDAD POPULAR.........................................................................................................54 2.2.1. The opposition press: always against to Allende…….….………...59 2.2.2. Leftist press as an eternal ally of Allende……………………..……63 2.2.3. Journalism in Allende times according to journalists……..…..…..66 2.2.4. TVN as a television belonging to the state of chile…………...…...69 2.2.5. Ideologization in the press…………………………………….……..71 2.3. JOURNALISM IN THE ERA OF AUGUSTO PINOCHET (1973-1990)..72 2.3.1. Rightist press in Pinochet times………………………………….…78 2.3.2. Press that survived of dictatorship………………………………..…..83 2.3.3 Journalists during Pinochet time: exile and torture……………...…..88 2.3.4. Working in the public TV………………………………………………90 2.4. PARTISAN JOURNALISM……………………………………….......……92 CHAPTER 3: PRESENT AND FUTURE OF JOURNALISM IN CHILE 3.1 DEMOCRACY AND PRESS FREEDOM NOWADAYS..........................94 3.2. CENSORSHIP IN CHILE IN THE 21ST CENTURY.............................102 3.3. CONGLOMERATES IN CHILE............................................................107 3.3.1. Chilean television…………………………………………..……..…110 3.3.2. Radio in Chile………………………………………………….…..…112 3.3.3. Written press in Chile………………………………………….…….114 3.4. CURRENT SITUATION OF JOURNALS.............................................115 3.5. PAPER VERSUS DIGITAL..................................................................118 3.6. FREE MEDIA IN DIGITAL ERA…………….........................................120 3.7. DIGITAL ERA IN CHILE.......................................................................122 3.8. WORKING CONDITIONS OF JOURNALISTS.....................................128 3.9. FUTURE OF JOURNALISM IN CHILE.................................................129 CONCLUSION……..………………..………….………………………………..…137 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………...143 APPENDIX1. CONSENT FORM….........................……………………………....152 APPENDIX2. QUESTIONNAIRE ……....…………………….…………...............153 APPENDIX3. ETHİCS BOARD WAIVER FORM ………………………………….154 APPENDIX4. ORIGINALITY REPORT……....…………………….……………....155 AUTOBİOGRAPHY...................................................…………………….…….....157tr_TR
dc.publisherSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.rightsAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectJournalism in Chiletr_TR
dc.subjectPress Freedomtr_TR
dc.subjectFreedom of expressiontr_TR
dc.subjectJournalists in Chiletr_TR
dc.titleMedia and Democracy: The Past, Present and the Future of Press Freedom in Chiletr_eng
dc.title.alternativeMedya ve Demokrasi: Şili'de Basın Özgürlüğünün Dünü, Bügünü ve Geleceğitr_TR
dc.description.ozetBugün Şili'de basın özgürlüğü güncel bir konu değildir çünkü ifade özgürlüğü ile ilgili bir sorun olmadığı düşünülmektedir. Ancak, bu Latin Amerika ülkesi, anlatacak uzun bir geçmişe sahiptir. Bugün Şili, medya özgürlüğü açısından dünyadaki Demokrasi ve Basın Özgürlüğü sıralaması baz alındığında, iyi bir durumdadır. Fakat, esasında 50 yıl boyunca verilen zorlu mücadeleler sonunda Şili basın özgürlüğü ve ifade özgürlüğü gibi evrensel haklar konusunda iyi bir noktaya ulaşmıştır. Salvador Allende hükümeti ve daha sonra Augusto Pinochet Diktatörlüğü sürecinde yaşananlar genel olarak medyanın ve gazetecilik pratiklerinin rotasını belirlemiştir. Bu tarihsel bağlamdan hareketle, çalışmanın amacı Şili’de gazetecilik koşullarının geçmişten bugüne nasıl bir yola girdiğini ifade özgürlüğü tartışmaları bağlamında ele almaktır. Şili'deki gazeteciliğin son 50 yılda nasıl yol aldığını ortaya koymak için, farklı tarihsel dönenmlerde çalışan 15 gazeteci ile görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Onların deneyimleri ve bakış açıları Şili'de gazetecilik pratiklerine ve geçmişte, bugün ve gelecekte gazateciliğin koşullarına dair tanıklıklar üzerinden bir tartışma zemini oluşturmaya imkan vermiştir.tr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentİletişim Bilimleritr_TR
dc.embargo.termsAcik erisimtr_TR

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