Bellek Mekanlarının Değer Algısı ve Değişimi Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Ankara Tren Garı

Göster/ Aç
Cihangiroğlu, Melike Selcan
Ambargo Süresi
Acik erisimÜst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterÖzet
Places of memory are spaces with stories, through the experiences of individuals, which carry shared knowledge, history and emotions. Besides the audiovisual and physical elements; feelings, spiritual attachtments and psychologic factors are also effective on the spatial perception of the individuals. These factors and experiences causes the bond between individuals and spaces to be in different ways. This emotional bond is closely related to the atmosphere of the space, which give individuals a sense of place and place attachment, and reflects the genius loci of the place. The individuals who perceive, live, know and experience the space through the mentioned features, give meanings and attribute values to these spaces and record them to their memories. Places of memory, together with the collective perception and consciousness of people, has an important spot in urban and collective memory. However, some changes that occur in time, such as changes in social life and environment; or changes in the urban fabric, ideology, function; or new social happenings, may alter the spatial perception of the individuals. Consequently, the meaning and value attributed to the space by the individuals may change. This thesis supports these statements through works in literature, observations and archive documents within a qualitative framework, and analyzes Ankara Train Station, which is a place of memory and an example building of the republican period, as a case study. Changes in the recent history such as the explosion; the new structure built behind it; diminishing republican structures from the collective memory, have been effective in the determination of the building. In conclusion, in- depth interviews was conducted to examine the changes on the spatial perception of the individuals and on changing values and meanings attributed to space.
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