Browsing Hemşirelik Fakültesi by Language "en"
Now showing items 1-20 of 35
Associations Between Advanced Cancer Patients' Survival and Family Caregiver Presence and Burden
(Wiley, 2016)We conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of an early palliative care intervention (ENABLE: Educate, Nurture, Advise, Before Life Ends) for persons with advanced cancer and their family caregivers. Not all patient ... -
Determining Nurse-Midwives' Knowledge Of The Pap-Smear Test And Their Rate Of Being Tested In Turkey
(Asian Pacific Organization Cancer Prevention, 2011)Background: Cervical cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer mortality among women worldwide, but actually is largely preventable. The practice of Pap smear testing (PST) needs to be expanded in order to diagnose ... -
Determınatıon of The Effects of Dıscharge Traınıng and Counselıng on Qualıty of Lıfe and Post Dıscharge Problems in Patıents Undergoıng Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014)The present study was carried out as semi-experimentally study to determine the effects of discharge training and counseling on quality of life and post discharge problems in CABG patients. The study population was chosen ... -
Developing A "Toolkit" To Measure Implementation Of Concurrent Palliative Care In Rural Community Cancer Centers
(Cambridge Univ Press, 2018)Objective: Despite national guidelines recommending early concurrent palliative care for individuals newly diagnosed with metastatic cancer, few community cancer centers, especially those in underserved rural areas do so. ... -
Development And Psychometric Testing Of The Turkish Immunosuppressive Medication Adherence Scale
(2019)Objective: The monitoring of immunosuppressive medication adherence is an important issue for solid organ transplant patients. In Turkey, there has been no valid and reliable measurement tool specific to transplantation ... -
Dry Cupping Therapy Decreases Cellulite In Women: A Pilot Study
(Natl Inst Science Communication-Niscair, 2015)Some recent studies showed that lymphatic system stimulation is efficacious in the treatment of cellulite. Lymph drainage and micro circulation can be stimulated with cupping therapy. We aimed to investigate the effect of ... -
Effects Of A Home Follow-Up Program In Turkey For Urban Mothers Of Premature Babies
(2020)Objective To examine the effects of a home follow-up program in Turkey on care problems, anxiety, and depression levels of mothers after the birth of a premature baby. Methods A semi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest ... -
End-Of-Life Psychodrama: Influencing Nursing Students' Communication Skills, Attitudes, Emotional Intelligence And Self-Reflection
(2019)Objectives: This study aimed to determine if nursing students' communication skills, attitudes towards caring of the dying patients, emotional intelligence, and reflection change after a psychodrama group intervention. ... -
Examination Of The Knowledge And Practices Of Nurses About Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Nursing
(2019)Objectives: This study was conducted to examine the knowledge and practices of nurses in CLP nursing. Methods: This descriptive study was carried out with 136 nurses working in Ege University internal medicine and surgical ... -
Factors Facilitating The Emergence Of Domestic Violence In Turkey
(Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, 2014)Background: Domestic violence is seen in all communities. Objectives: To determine the risk factors that facilitate emergence of domestic violence. Methods: A qualitative study where in-depth interviews were used. A total ... -
Family Caregiving For Persons With Heart Failure At The Intersection Of Heart Failure And Palliative Care: A State-Of-The-Science Review
(Springer, 2017)Many of the 23 million individuals with heart failure (HF) worldwide receive daily, unpaid support from a family member or friend. Although HF and palliative care practice guidelines stipulate that support be provided to ... -
Frailty Prevalence And Characteristics In Older Adults With Hematologic Cancer: A Descriptive Study
(2019)Objective: This study investigated the prevalence of frailty in older patients with hematologic cancer and assessed the association between older patients’ characteristics and frailty. Methods: This descriptive study ... -
Geriatric Assessment In Oncology: G8 Screening Too Validation And Reliability Study
(2019)OBJECTIVE The present study aimed to test the validity and reliability of the Geriatrics 8 (G8) tool, a risk-screening tool for further comprehensive geriatric assessment, with hematologic cancer patients aged 65 years and ... -
Health-Related Adverse Events and Associated Factors in Recreational Divers With Different Certification Levels
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2013)Background. There is a paucity of research on diving-related health issues and associated factors. This study aimed to examine the health problems encountered during diving and to ascertain the factors associated with ... -
How Does Spousal Support Affect Women'S Quality Of Life In The Postpartum Period In Turkish Culture?
(Sookmyung Womens Univ, 2018)The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between spousal support and postpartum women's quality of life. This is a descriptive study carried out between July 1, 2014 and October 31, 2014. Data were collected ... -
Information Requirements And Difficulties Experienced After Discharge In Day Surgery Patients: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Survey
(Ortadogu Ad Pres & Publ Co, 2011)Objective: Day surgery procedures have increasingly been used nowadays as a result of improvements in surgical techniques, anesthesia and analgesia techniques and they are preferred for their benefits to the patient and ... -
Multidimensional Pruritus Assessment In Hemodialysis Patients
(2019)Background Pruritus is a distressing, life-limiting symptom in chronic renal failure, affecting 40% of patients. This study aimed to determine uremic pruritus prevalence and investigate the multidimensional impact on ... -
Nursing Care Of The Patient With Neurogenic Bladder After Kidney Transplantation: A Case Report
(2019)Objective. Urologic complications are among the most common complications after kidney transplantation. These complications are urinary retention, hematuria, hemorrhage, urinary leakage, vesicoureteral reflux, pyelonephritis, ... -
Nursing Responsibilities And Non-Pharmacological Approaches In Delirium Management
(2019)Delirium is a common clinical syndrome; characterized by rapid onset and fluctuating symptoms during the day. A decrease in functional capacity, an increase in length of stay at the hospital, and an increase in mortality ... -
Occupational Risks Of Health Professionals In Turkey As An Emerging Economy
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2015)BACKGROUND Health services are one of the work areas that contain important risks in terms of the occupational health and safety of the laborer. Professionals in various areas of health services encounter biological, ...