Yayıncı "Elsevier Sci Ltd" Elektrik - Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü için listeleme
Toplam kayıt 6, listelenen: 1-6
A New Technique for Direction of Arrival Estimation for Ionospheric Multipath Channels
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2009)A novel array signal processing technique is proposed to estimate HF channel parameters including number of paths, their respective direction of arrivals (DOA), delays, Doppler shifts and amplitudes. The proposed technique ... -
Association of Ionospheric Storms and Substorms of Global Electron Content with Proxy Ae Index
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2015)Storm time modeling of Global Electron Content (GEC) calculated from GIM-TEC for 1999-2013 is associated with new proxy of Auroral Electrojet variability expressed as a smoothed and normalized Auroral Electrojet index ... -
Multipath Separation-Direction Of Arrival (Ms-Doa) With Genetic Search Algorithm For Hf Channels
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2009)Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) defines the estimation of arrival angles of an electromagnetic wave impinging oil a set of sensors. For dispersive and time-varying HF channels, where the propagating wave also suffers from the ... -
Regularized Estimation of Tec from Gps Data for Certain Midlatitude Stations and Comparison with the Iri Model
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2007)Regularized estimation of Total Electron Content (Reg-Est) is a novel technique which can combine signals from all the satellites for a given instant and given station and estimate the vertical TEC (VTEC) values for any ... -
Tomographic Reconstruction Of The Ionospheric Electron Density As A Function Of Space And Time
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2009)Electron density distribution is the major determining parameter of the ionosphere. Computerized Ionospheric Tomography (CIT) is a method to reconstruct ionospheric electron density image by computing Total Electron Content ... -
Wavelet Based Flickering Flame Detector Using Differential Pir Sensors
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2012)A Pyro-electric Infrared (FIR) sensor based flame detection system is proposed using a Markovian decision algorithm. A differential PIR sensor is only sensitive to sudden temperature variations within its viewing range and ...