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dc.contributor.advisorÇağlar, Ali
dc.contributor.authorSsenteza, Rashid
dc.description.abstractPromoting patriotism and its education has always been at the fore front for Uganda’s governance, from the time when the current ruling party had come into power in the late 1980’s, HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has always preached the issue of patriotism education. Uganda as a new democratic country is faced with many challenges among which include implementing the new ideas and policies that its leaders come up with. For instance, even though the government white paper clearly stipulates that patriotism has to be taught at either primary or secondary school level, the issue of whether this policy is implemented in schools begs a lot to question. In addition, despite the suggested funds for the issues of patriotism education a lot of it is redirected for other societal needs and thus undermining the importance of patriotism education. This research has analyzed the issue of patriotic education, its implementation or otherwise as a policy in Uganda’s education system. Various theories and conceptual frameworks such as moderate patriotism theory and social cultural concept respectively have been brought in to perspective in the study. The research is a literature review research and the dominant methodology has been archival and library research coupled with the researcher’s observations of the day to day happenings in the country. The research also gives an insight into the challenges that patriotism education is faced with, the lack of implementation of many government policies with regards to policies and the limited role that governments representatives have played in combating these challenges.tr_TR
dc.description.tableofcontentsACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL………………………………….……….….i YAYIMLAMA VE FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI BEYANI………..........…ii ETİK BEYAN…………………..…………………………………………………iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............………………………………………..…......iv ABSTRACT ..……………..…………………………………………...…….........v TABLE OF CONTENTS…......……………………………………………… ABBREVIATIONS ……............ ……………………………………..……….....vii INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................1 CHAPTER ONE 1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY.......................................................3 1.1 THE RESEARCH PROBLEM…………………………..………..…..6 1.2 THE MAIN OBJECTIVE......................................................................7 1.3 BASIC CONCEPTS AND LITERATURE REVEW...........................7 1.4 THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY………………...……...……...12 1.5 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY........................................................15 1.6 ETHCAL CONSIDERATION..............................................................16 CHAPTER TWO CONCEPTUAL AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY 2. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................17 2.1 PSYCHOLOGICAL SCHOOL OF THOUGHT.................................18 2.2 CULTURAL- SOCIAL SCHOOL OF THOUGHT.............................20 2.3 THEORIES OF PATRIOTISM.............................................................22 2.3.1 Normative issues.....................................................................................24 2.3.2 Extreme Patriotism.................................................................................26 2.3.3 Robust Patriotism...................................................................................26 2.3.4 Moderate Patriotism...............................................................................28 2.3.5 Deflated Patriotism.................................................................................29 CHAPTER THREE PATRIOTISM IN THE UGANDA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM 3. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................31 3.1 UGANDA’S POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL HISTORY..31 3.2 EDUCATİON SYSTEM İN UGANDA……………..…..............….......33 3.3 PATRIOTISM EDUCATION IN PRIMARY SCHOOL………..........37 3.4 PATRIOTISM IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS EDUCATION…..….37 ix 3.5 STATE RUN AND PRİVATELY-OWNED SCHOOLS........….…..39 3.6 PATRIOTISM IN UGANDA’S EDUCATION CURRICULUM......40 3.7 COURSE MATERİALS İN UGANDA EDUCATİON SYSTE.........45 CHAPTER FOUR IMPLICATION OF PATRIOTISM EDUCATION ON POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 4. INTRODUCTION ........................………………............……..…...……48 4.1 PATRIOTISM IN UGANDA………........……………….......…..……....48 4.2 ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN PROMOTING PATRIOTISM EDUCATION………………………………………………………………….57 4.3 IMPACT OF PATRIOTISM ON EDUCATION…….…....…...…........64 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................66 RECOMMENDATIONS…………………………………………………………..68 BIBLIOGRAPHY………................…………............……………….………..…..72 APPENDIX I. ETHICS COMMISSION FORM …………….............................77 APPENDIX 2. ORIGINALITY FORM………………………..............................79 APPENDIX 3. OPPOSSING THE PRESIDENTIAL AGE LIMIT IN UGANDA...................................................................................................................81 APPENDIX 4. THE UGANDA NATIONAL ANTHEM......................................84 APPENDIX 5. THE UGANDAN NATIONAL FLAG MEANING......................85 APPENDIX 6. THE UGANDA COAT OF ARMS AND ITS MEANING..........86tr_TR
dc.publisherSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.titlePatriotism Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in Ugandatr_TR
dc.description.ozetUganda’nın yönetişimi açısından, halihazırda iktidarda olan partinin 1980’lerin sonunda iktidara geldiği zamandan beri vatanseverlik ve vatanseverliğin öğretilmesinin teşviki daima öncelikli olmuştur. Devlet Başkanı HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni konuşmalarında daima vatanseverlik eğitimi konusunu ele almıştır. Yeni demokrasiye kavuşmuş bir ülke olarak Uganda, liderlerinin ortaya koyduğu yeni görüş ve politikaları uygulamak da dahil olmak üzere pek çok güçlükle karşı karşıya gelmektedir. Örneğin, her ne kadar yönetimin vatanseverliğin ilk ya da orta öğretim seviyesinde öğretilmesi gerektiğine dair öngörüleri açık olsa da bu politikaların okul çantalarına uygulanıp uygulanmayacağı konusu sorgulanmaya açıktır. Ayrıca, vatanseverlik eğitimi için ayrılan kaynakların pek çoğu başka sosyal ihtiyaçlara yönlendirilmekte ve vatanseverlik eğitiminin önemi dikkate alınmamaktadır. Bu çalışma vatanseverlik eğitimi konusunu, uygulamasını, uygulama olmaması durumunda da Uganda’nın eğitim sistemi politikasını analiz etmektedir. Ilımlı vatanseverlik teorisi ve sosyal kültürel kavram gibi çeşitli teoriler ve kavramsal çerçeveler çalışmaya perspektif katmıştır. Çalışma literatür tarama araştırmasıdır ve ağırlıklı olarak arşiv ve kütüphane araştırmaları ile araştırmacının ülkedeki güncel olaylardaki gözlemleri de kapsanmaktadır. Çalışma aynı zamanda, birçok devlet politikasının uygulanmaması nedeniyle, vatanseverlik eğitiminin karşılaştığı zorluklar hakkında da fikir vermektedir.tr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentSiyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimitr_TR
dc.embargo.termsAcik erisimtr_TR

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