Now showing items 1-20 of 125
A Case Series Associated with Different Kinds of Endo-Perio Lesions
(2014)Pulpal and periodontal problems are responsible for more than half of the tooth mortality. There are some articles published in the literature about this issue. Many of them are quite old. There has been also lack of ... -
A Retrospective Analysis Of Submissions, Acceptance Rate, Open Peer Review Operations, And Prepublication Bias Of The Multidisciplinary Open Access Journal Head & Face Medicine
(2007)Background Head & Face Medicine (HFM) was launched in August 2005 to provide multidisciplinary science in the field of head and face disorders with an open access and open peer review publication platform. The objective ... -
A Retrospective Analysis Of The Relationship Between Rhinosinusitis And Sinus Lift Dental Implantation
(2014)Introduction Dental implants have been associated with the occurrence of postoperative rhinosinusitis. In some patients, preoperative sinus lifting must be performed to increase the chances of successful implant placement. ... -
Actinomyces-Associated Lesions Located in The Gingiva: Case Report of Rare Gingival Lesions
(2017)Actinomyces spp. are located without displaying any pathogenic effect in the oral flora. However, the disruption of oral microenvironmental balance, mucosal tissue integrity, and defense system can cause microorganisms to ... -
Antimicrobial And Structural Effects Of Different Irrigation Solutions On Gutta-Percha Cones
(2015)Purpose: To evaluate the alterations on the surface of gutta-percha cones (GPCs) on exposure to the different irrigation solutions and their possible antibacterial effect against Enterococcus faecalis. (E. faecalis) ... -
Apical Root Canal Transportation of Different Pathfinding Systems and Their Effects on Shaping Ability of Protaper Next
(2015)Background This study aimed to compare glide path preparation of different pathfinding systems and their effects on the apical transportation of ProTaper Next (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) in mesial root ... -
Apical Root Resorption: A Prospective Radiographic Study Of Maxillary Incisors
(2011)Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of apical root resorption in maxillary incisors during the initial stages of active orthodontic treatment and to test the hypothesis that root resorption ... -
Assessment Of Diagnostic Doses For Widely Used Synthetic Pyrethroids (Deltamethrin & Permethrin) In An Endemic Focus Of Leishmaniasis In Turkey
(2016)Background Leishmania is a group of parasitic flagellated protozoons, which are transmitted by female sand flies and produces health problems in humans and also in wild and domestic animals. So far, 25 Phlebotomus and 4 ... -
Bilateral Palatal Talon Cusps On Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisors: A Case Report
(2011)Talon cusp is a rare developmental extra cusp-like projection on the cingulum area of affected anterior teeth that may cause various functional and aesthetic problems. The present report describes a case of bilateral palatal ... -
Bond Strength of Calcium Silicate-Based Sealers to Dentine Dried with Different Techniques
(2014)Objective To assess the influence of various canal-drying techniques on the push-out bond strength between radicular dentine and both MTA Fillapex and iRoot SP sealers. Materials and Methods Eighty extracted single-root ... -
Bond Strength of Dental Nanocomposites Repaired with a Bulkfill Composite
(2017)Background The aim of this study was to analyze the bond strength of aged resin based nanocomposites repaired with the same and bulk fill composites. Material and Methods Seventy-two disc shaped resin composites consisted ... -
Bond Strength Of One-Step Self-Etch Adhesives And Their Predecessors To Ground Versus Unground Enamel
(2012)Objective The aim of this study was to compare the shear bond strength of several self-etch adhesives to their two-step predecessors to ground and unground enamel. Methods: Seventy-five extracted, non-carious human third ... -
Cad/Cam Zirconia Vs. Slip-Cast Glass-Infiltrated Alumina/Zirconia All-Ceramic Crowns: 2-Year Results Of A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
(2009)The aim of this randomized controlled clinical trial was to compare the early clinical outcome of slip-cast glass-infiltrated Alumina/Zirconia and CAD/CAM Zirconia all-ceramic crowns. A total of 30 InCeram® Zirconia and ... -
Calcium Hydroxide Dressing Residues After Different Removal Techniques Affect The Accuracy Of Root-Zx Apex Locator
(2015)Objectives This study compared the ability of several techniques to remove calcium hydroxide (CH) from the root canal and determined the influence of CH residues on the accuracy of the electronic apex locator. Materials ... -
Chairside Restorations Of Maxillary Anterior Teeth With Cad/Cam Porcelain Laminate Veneers Produced By Digital Workflow: A Case Report With A Step To Facilitate Restoration Design
(2019)Since the introduction of porcelain laminate veneers in the early 1980s, the anterior esthetic rehabilitation with PLVs has been provided with a conventional restorative technique for many years. Recently, a new concept ... -
Changes in Lips, Cheeks And Tongue Pressures After Upper Incisor Protrusion in Class Ii Division 2 Malocclusion: A Prospective Study
(2017)Background The etiology of Class II division 2 (CII/2) malocclusion focuses on heredity; however lip, cheek, and tongue pressures that are associated with the environmental effect are considered to have an effect. The aim ... -
Characterization Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells In Mucolipidosis Type Ii (I-Cell Disease)
(2019)Mucolipidosis type II (ML-II, I-cell disease) is a fatal inherited lysosomal storage disease caused by a deficiency of the enzyme N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase. A characteristic skeletal phenotype is one of the ... -
Color Stability Of Bulk-Fill And Incremental-Fill Resin-Based Composites Polished With Aluminum-Oxide Impregnated Disks
(2017)Objectives This study aimed to evaluate the color stability of bulk-fill and nanohybrid resin-based composites polished with 3 different, multistep, aluminum-oxide impregnated finishing and polishing disks. Materials and ... -
Combined Treatment With Laser Sintering And Zirconium: A Case Report Of Dentinogenesis Imperfecta
(2013)Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a heterogeneous disorder of connective tissue that manifests mainly as skeletal deformity and bone fragility. Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) is sometimes an accompanying symptom of OI. The ... -
Comparative Evaluation Of Marginal Adaptation And Fracture Strength Of Different Ceramic Inlays Produced By Cerec Omnicam And Heat-Pressed Technique
(2018)Objective The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate marginal adaptation and fracture strength of inlays produced by CEREC Omnicam using different types of blocs and heat-pressed technique. Methods: Seventy-five ...