Bir Biçimlenme Sistemi Olarak Sosyal Medya: Seramik Eserlerde Kişisel Uygulamalar
Today, the effects of social media on society are widely felt and widely felt. It is seen
that the social media has become a part of our lives with the introduction of our lives.
In this study, information about how the idea of the internet is formed and how the
social media structure is realized thanks to this invention and the psychological effects
on the society in the system created by the operation of social media are explained.
These effects have been addressed in particular on surveillance, narcissism, addiction,
culture and the effects on education. In addition to these influences, the artists who took
social media as a critical attitude and the artists who used social media as a tool also
examined the examples and the artificial reflections.
In all these researches, ceramic applications have been produced by claiming that the
effects of social media are a shaping factor on society. These influences were inspired
by the cocoon story as a meteoric, and personal interpretations and reflections on
ceramic forms and surfaces were realized.