Dijital Sosyoloji Perspektifinden Toplumsal Değerlerin Değişme Sürecinde YouTuberlar: İlköğretim Öğrencileri Örneği
This research aims to investigate the influence of the processes of digitalization, whose effects are increasing nowadays, and the reflection of YouTube and YouTubers on children from the perspective of digital sociology and to understand these reflections. For that purpose, the research investigates the reflection of transition process from culture to digital culture which takes place as a result of digital revolution, YouTube and YouTubers on socialization, digitalization of childhood and involvement to digital surveillance situations of digital natives. In addition to these, it evaluates dimension of parental supervision in the surveillance society, the change in social values and individuals’ social interaction in accordance with these processes, the perception of bodies, embodiment and lastly the process of identity formation. The research was conducted by in-depth interviews with 11 state school students and 12 private school students in primary school level who live in Ankara, data from these different types of schools compared. In addition to this, netnographic researches carried out on YouTube and the features of the investigated area were tried to be identified. Because of the aim of reaching the meanings that participants ascribe to situations, research was carried out by constructive approach and with qualitative research method. In the research, it is understood that YouTubers and being a YouTuber have a place for them, childhood is digitalized, social interactions acquire a different dimension and families have to be aware of the danger children faced with or might face. In this generation named as digital generation, children have a digital habitus and it is determined that this results in a formation of completely different identity model. By explaining the characteristics of this identity model, it is tried to be conceptualized as ‘’identity of artificial reflection’’.