Now showing items 21-40 of 120

    • Konya'da Karamanoğulları Dönemi Mimari Eserleri 

      İpekçioğlu, G. İpek (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-09-28)
      Karamanid and many tribes affiliated to them settled in Anatolia while the Anatolian Seljuk State was still under its rule and continued their existence in these lands for about two and a half centuries. In addition to ...
    • Tanzimat Dönemi Uygulamalarının Ankara Kent Dokusuna Etkisi (1839-1924) 

      Aytemiz, Ayşe Nur (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-09-22)
      19th century which is important in the world’ economic and political history, especially in terms of formation of a Eurocentric world economic system and in which Ottoman Empire found its way out by choosing West as a model ...
    • Michael Astrapas ve Atölyesi 

      Uslu, Gülşah (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      Michael Astrapas and his workshop worked on monuments in Macedonia and Serbia in the fourteenth century. Byzantine painters, who remained primarily anonymous, started to show themselves by leaving their signatures on ...
    • Büyü ve Okült (Gizlere Ulaşma) Bilimlerin Erken Bizans Sanatında Yansımaları, Ortaçağ ve Sonrasına Projeksiyonu 

      Özdemir, Özgür (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      Throughout its existence, humanity gave meanings to natural powers and phenomena that they couldn’t understand, thus created a great supernatural corpus. These deeprooted beliefs can be encountered in every society and ...
    • Son Dönem Osmanlı Resim Sanatında Entelektüel Kadın İmgesinin Yaratımı 

      Türk, Özge Yeşim (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      The last period of the Ottoman Empire has witnessed the Ottoman Women's Movement which was the women’s fight against the patriarchy. The women who were responsible for this movement have showed an intellectual character ...
    • Nevizade Atayî'nin Hamse'si ve Resimleri 

      Doğu, Akile (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-06)
      The subject of this study is the five known illustrated copies of Hamse, made in the 18th century, by one of the well-known poets of the 17th century, Ataullah bin Yahya, also known as Nevizade Atayî (1583-1635). These ...
    • Orta Bizans Dönemi Marjinal Psalterlerde Çarmıh Sahnesi 

      Sargın, Ceyda Sevcan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      The subject of the Master's Thesis titled Middle Byzantine Period Marginal Psalters: Crucifixion Scene consists of five main sections. In the first chapter, the origin, symbolism and related topics and baps of the term ...
    • Sürgündeki İznik İmparatoru III. Ioannes Dukas Vatatzes 

      Ataç Demirel, Gül (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      The central and socio-economic structure of the Byzantine Empire was disintegrated after the Latins occupied Constantinople as a result of the Fourth Crusade. Iznik State, which was founded by the Laskaris between 1204-1261, ...
    • Galerilerden Müzelere Mekanlar ve Alanlar: İstanbul Dolapdere Semtinde Sanatsal Soylulaştırma 

      Ergün, Selin (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      This thesis focuses on the conceptual discussions about gentrification in public spheres and urban transformations root back in the 1980s. In Dolapdere, increasing gentrification can be seen in galleries, museums, and art ...
    • 1980’lerde Türkiye’de Görsel Sanatlar ve Sinema Bağlamında Kadın 

      Uzun, Elif (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      The women's movements and feminist discourse that started in the world in the 1970s began to make their voices heard in Turkey in the following process. Feminist discourse which has increased its momentum in every field ...
    • Bosna-Hersek Müze ve Koleksiyonlarında Yatağan 

      Becirovic Lukarcanin, Amila (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      This thesis examined yataghans from museums and collections in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since the examples in the thesis belong to the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, the boundaries of the subject are between these centuries. ...
    • 12- 15. Yüzyıllarda Mardin: Kültürel Ortam, Eğitim Yapıları ve Kasımiye Medresesi 

      Acat Akgül, Fehime (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-04)
      ACAT AKGUL, Fehime. In the 12-15th Centuries Mardin: Cultural Environment, Educational Buildings and Kasımiye Madrasa, Master Thesis, Ankara,2022. Mardin Kasımiye Madrasa is located on a very sloping land outside the area ...
    • Midyat’taki Mor Filoksenos Kilisesi ve Yapı Topluluğu 

      Alp, Firyaz (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-03-03)
      The Tur Abdin plateau/region, which consists of a limestone massif in the Northern Mesopotamia region, is bordered by the Tigris River from the east and north. Although the region was named “Kasiere” and “Masius” in various ...
    • Akdeniz'in Işığını İzleyen Félix Ziem'den Venedik, Martigues, İstanbul 

      Eser, Alp Doğu (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      Although Félix François Georges Philibert Ziem, born in Beaune, returned to his workshop by taking sketches from many countries throughout his career, Martigues, whom he sees as an inspiration for the brilliance of water, ...
    • On Bir-On Üçüncü Yüzyıllarda Doğu Akdeniz'de Kültür Geçirgenliği: "Kitap Resimleri" 

      Bodur, Yalçın (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-02-10)
      Following the birth and spread of Islam, Eastern Mediterranean was being ruled by two different monotheistic religion -the other one being Christianity-, and organizations which were taken shape with them until eleventh ...
    • SANART Estetik ve Görsel Kültür Derneği 

      Deniz, Selin (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      SANART Association was founded in 1991 as SANART 1992 Association, renamed SANART Association for the Promotion of Visual Arts in 1995 and has been working under the name SANART Association of Aesthetic and Visual Culture ...
    • Ortaçağ Duvar Resimlerinde Aziz İoulitta ve Kerykos Örneklemi Eşliğinde Şifa Teması 

      Ünser, Şükran (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      In this dissertation, which presents a sample of a saint cult in the focus of martyr saints Ioulitta and Kerykos accompanied by visual and written data, the theme of healing in the churches in Byzantium and in its vicinity ...
    • 19. Yüzyılda İngiliz Kadın Ressamların Gözünden Osmanlı Dünyası: VAM Searight Koleksiyonu 

      Aslan, Zekiye Reyhan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      This study discusses the approach to Orientalism, East and Eastern women by British women in The Orient at the time for various reasons; through Orient themed drawings and paintings in Victoria & Albert Museum (VAM) Searight ...
    • Arykanda Antik Kenti'ndeki Geç Antik Dönem Hamamları 

      Seviç, Fulya (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-02)
      The subject matter of this thesis is the Late Antique bath buildings in Arykanda which lies beneath the modern Arif village of Finike, Antalya. Within the scope of this thesis, five bath structures dated to the Late ...
    • 19. Yüzyılda 'Eser-i İstanbul' Damgalı Porselen Üretimi 

      Haberal, Ecem (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      In 1845, a porcelain factory was built in Incirkoy, located in Beykoz region, by Ahmed Fethi Pasha, a statesman originally from Rhodes. This factory is the first industrial-scale attempt at porcelain manufacturing in the ...