Konu "biochronology" için Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü Makale Koleksiyonu listeleme
Toplam kayıt 1, listelenen: 1-1
Integrated Radiolaria, Benthic Foraminifera And Conodont Biochronology Of The Pelagic Permian Blocks/Tectonic Slices And Geochemistry Of Associated Volcanic Rocks From The Mersin Melange, Southern Turkey: Implications For The Permian Evolution Of The Northern Neotethys
(2019)Blocks and tectonic slices within the Mersin Melange (southern Turkey), which are of Northern Neotethyan origin (Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan Ocean (IAE)), were studied in detail by using radiolarian, conodont, and foraminiferal ...