Geomatik Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Koleksiyonu: Güncel gönderi
Toplam kayıt 67, listelenen: 41-60
Akıllı Telefonlarda Bulunan Konum Belirleme Yöntemleri, Üretilen Konum Verisinin Kullanılabilirliği ve Teknolojik Gelişimi
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2021-06-16)Cartography, which begins with the desire to locate, describe and plan the region where humankind lives; It is one of the sectors that rapidly develops and changes in line with today's technology and whose product catalog ... -
Türkiye’de Kentler İçin Yaşanabilirliğin Cbs, Sivil Bilim ve Makina Öğrenmesi Yöntemleri Kullanılarak Belirlenmesi
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2021)In this study, an approach based on geographic information systems (GIS), citizen science (CitSci) and machine learning (ML) methods was developed in order to assess liveability in Turkish cities. Within the scope of the ... -
Point-Based Matching of Oblique Images Acquired from Airplane and UAV Platforms
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020)Images acquired from airborne oblique sensors and from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are widely used. On one hand, oblique imaging allows better visualization of side views of objects in three dimensional spaces. On the ... -
Multi-Hazard Susceptibility Map Production for Urban Planning Purposes: Ankara Mamak Case
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020)Multiple hazards may affect urban areas and integration of susceptibility maps about natural hazards are required for proper site selection and urban planning. Likewise, geological and geotechnical parameters, development ... -
Yersel Düşey Gravite Gradyent Verilerinin Bölgesel Gravimetrik Jeoit Modellemeye Katkısının İncelenmesi
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020-01)In this study, using free-air gravity anomaly derived from terrestrial gravity measurements, vertical gravity gradient (VGG) of the free-air gravity anomaly is modelled by Heiskanen/Moritz and Least Squares Collocation ... -
Effects Of The Troposphere Delay Mappıng Functıons And The Elevatıon Cut Off Angles On The Tıme Serıes Of Statıon And Radıo Source Coordınates As Well As Earth Orıentatıon Parameters As Estımated From The Observatıons Of The Vlbı Technıque
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020-07)Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is a space geodetic technique that observes the radio wave signals at S and X radio frequencies using the Earth fixed antennas (nowadays broadband i.e. from 2 to 8 GHz observables ... -
Okyanus Gelgit Yüklemesi Konum Değişimlerinin VLBI Ölçülerinden Kestirimi ve Global Okyanus Gelgit Modelleri ile Doğrulanması
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020)As a result of the analysis of the measurements of space/satellite geodetic techniques, the defined coordinates of the terrestrial reference frame (TRF) of the earth fixed geodetic control points are estimated. Since the ... -
Flood Susceptibility Mapping for Ankara Using Modified Analytical Hierarchy Process (M-AHP)
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020)Many natural disasters occur in the world and affect both the economies of countries and people’s lives. These disasters can happen in the forms of earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, droughts, floods, etc., and many ... -
Yüksek Yoğunluklu Kentsel Alanlarda Çok Yüksek Çözünürlüklü Gerçek Ortofotolardan Kural Tabanlı Sınıflandırma Yöntemi İle Bina Çıkarımı
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019)The importance of aerial imagery is increasing day by day in terms of evaluating the current situation, following the construction and determining the direction of development of the cities. Urban transformation projects ... -
Tersane Yeri Belirleme Kriterlerinin Oluşturulması ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi ile Değerlendirilmesi
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019)More than 80 % of the world trade by volume and more than 70% of economic value is being transported onboard ships and handled in the ports. Consistent with this fact, globally, the prominence of the maritime industry in ... -
Web Tabanlı Gönüllü Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi Geliştirilmesi ile E-Hizmet Kalitesinin İyileştirilmesi
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019-06-15)The rapid increase of the population and the fact that the majority of population lives in cities cause deterioration in the environment. Constantly changing and developing cities face deteriorations in the public services ... -
Accuracy Assessment Of Polar Motion And Universal Time (UT1) Observed By VLBI At Sub-Diurnal Periods
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019-06)Earth rotation parameters (ERP): polar motion coordinates and Universal Time (UT1) have a significant impact basically on the terrestrial and celestial reference system relations, orbit determination, and deep-space ... -
Akıllı Şehir Çalışmaları Kapsamında Tarihi Binaların Üç Boyutlu CBS Ortamında Sunulması: Ankara, Hamamönü Örneği
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019)The recent developments in information technologies has led to the preservation of historical monuments and transferring them to future generations one of the important tasks for humanity. Advances in 3D modelling methods ... -
Lidar Nokta Bulutu Verisi ve Yüksek Çözünürlüklü Ortofotolar Kullanarak Bina Çıkarımı İçin Bir Yaklaşım
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018)Nowadays, with the development of sensor technologies in remote sensing, there has been a significant increase in object detection studies. Particulary, building detection is among the common fields and important applications ... -
Sentinel-1 ve Sentinel-2 Verilerinden Tarımsal Ürün Sınıflandırması İçin Makine Öğrenme Algoritmalarının Karşılaştırılması
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019-02)In this thesis, machine learning algorithms were compared for object-based classification of multi-date Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 optical satellite images of agricultural summer crops grown in Gediz plain. The machine ... -
Tarımsal Yaz Ürünlerin Sentinel-2 Uydu Görüntülerinden Rastgele Orman Algoritması İle Nesne-Tabanlı Sınıflandırılması
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018)In this thesis, the summer crops of the Gediz Plain have been detected using object-based classification with random forest (RF) algorithm from the multi-date Sentinel-2 satellite images of the year 2017. The detected crops ... -
Automatıc Roof Plane Extractıon From Lıdar Data Usıng Ransac Algorıthm
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018-07-05)Automatic image processing and object extraction from airborne data have become an important topic of research in the field of photogrammetry and remote sensing. The aerial laser scanning system, also known as LiDAR, has ... -
Açık Kaynaklı Web Tabanlı Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi Geliştirilmesi
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018)Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are increasingly being used by different disciplines and user groups (personal, corporate, etc.). With the advancements of mobile technologies, many applications have started to use ... -
Implementatıon And Web-Based Vısualızatıon Of 3d Cıty Models
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018-06-21)3D city models have become crucial for a better city management, and can be used for various purposes such as disaster management, navigation, solar potential computation and planning simulations. 3D city models are not ... -
Lidar Verisinden Bina Çatı Düzlemlerinin Otomatik Çıkarımı Ve Modellemesi
(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018)Being as main factor on 3D city models; building modelling is among the most common field of applications of LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) point cloud data. In this study, automatic extraction and modeling of building ...