Toplam kayıt 115, listelenen: 21-40

    • (De)monstrating the Other: Monstrosity as Performance in Middle English Romances 

      Özgün, Ulaş (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-07-07)
      This study argues that in the selected fourteenth and fifteenth-century Middle English romances, namely, Guy of Warwick (c. 1330), Richard Coer de Lyon (c. 1330), Sir Gowther (late 15th c.) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ...
    • The Problematised Concept of Author-ity in Tim Crouch's My Arm, An Oak Tree and ENGLAND 

      Atlar, Yağmur (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      In the twenty-first century British contemporary and in particular postdramatic theatre, the increasing centralisation of the audience and the spectators’ active participation emerge as controversial subject matters. Tim ...
    • Posthuman Subjectivities in Early British Fantasy Fiction: Jonathan Swift and Lewis Carroll 

      Horzum, Şafak (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      Fantasy literature breaches the great divide between dualities, making marginalised and disempowered nonhuman beings much more audible, visible, and intelligible. In fantasy, the human gets stripped of its so-called ...
    • The Changing Status of Women in Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto, Wilkie Collins' The Woman in White and Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca 

      Ataman, Özgün (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      Gothic novels reflect social, economic, and cultural values of society and mirror the norms and codes of their time. It is possible to analyse such novels in terms of the ‘Woman Question’ which diverges from the traditional ...
    • A Reading of John Donne's Secular and Religious Poetry within the Context of Jungian Individuation 

      Kurtuluş, Melih (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      John Donne’s Songs and Sonnets (1633) and Holy Sonnets (1633) collections represent conversions both from Catholicism to Protestantism and from a secular lifestyle to a religious one. They also manifest the psychological ...
    • Wrıtıng Agaınst The Current Algernon Charles Swınburne’s Poetry 

      Ateş, Ahmet Mesut (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-02)
      Algernon Charles Swinburne is an enigmatic figure in Victorian poetry. He was associated with contemporary literary movements of his age, which challenged the conventional understanding of art, including the Pre-Raphaelite ...
    • Liminality in Shakespeare's As You Like It, Hamlet and Troilus and Cressida 

      Vural Özbey, Kübra (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
      While the Elizabethan government exploited the theatre as a propagandist means, the Elizabethan stage was controlled by the regulations of patronage and censorship enacted on the playwrights in order to suppress oppositional ...
    • Representatıon Of The Welsh Culture In The Mabınogıon 

      Cengiz, Alper (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
      Since the formation of societies, people of each social establishment share a set of common values known as culture that defines who they are, where they come from, and what binds them together, and the Welsh as a Celtic ...
    • Ortaçağdan On Yedinci Yüzyıla İngiliz Kadın Yazarlar 

      Bozer, A. Deniz; Uygur, Ufuk Ege; Erol, Burçin; Reis, Huriye; Seber, Hande; Lanyer, Aemilia; Cary, Elizabeth; Speght, Rachel; Boothby, Frances; Sharp, Jane; Behn, Aphra; Manley, Delarivier; Pix, Mary; Astell, Mary (2014)
      Bu kitap, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İngiliz Edebiyatı ve Kültürü Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi’nin bir çalışması olarak Ortaçağdan günümüze İngiliz kadın yazarların ele alınacağı dört kitaptan oluşacak bir serinin ilk ...
    • Depictions of Utopias in English 

      Bozer, A. Deniz; Bartu, Cemre Mimoza; Horzum, Şafak; Badı, Anıl; Erkoç, Seçil; Baysal, Kübra; Yazgünoğlu, Kerim Can; Aykanat, Fatma; Güneş, Ayşe; Ağın, Başak; Kümbet, Pelin (Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2017)
      I would like to extend my gratitude to the President of Hacettepe University Prof. Dr. A. Haluk ÖZEN and his team for their kind support towards the realisation of the second of the graduate conferences, “Innovative ...
    • 45. Yıl Yazıları 

      Altan, Aslı; Hoff, Erika; Altınkamış, Feyza; Bozşahin, Cem; Büyükkantarcıoğlu, S. Nalan; Demircan, Ömer; Duman, Derya; Yetkiner, Neslihan; Ercan, Gülsüm Songül; Güçlü, Ruhan; Hatipoğlu, Çiler; Kızıltan, Nalan; Kocaman, Ahmet; Kornfilt, Jaklin; Kökpınar Kaya, Emel; Kunduracı, Aysun; Özgen, Murat; Özünlü, Ünsal; Özyıldırım, Işıl; Pakkan, Gülsev; Sağın Şimşek, Çiğdem; Antonava Ünlü, Elena; Akkuş, Mehmet; Uçar, Aygül; Yağlı, Emre; Yarar, Emine; Yetkin Karakoç, Nihal; Zeyrek Bozşahin, Deniz (Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2017)
      İçinde bulunduğumuz 2017 yılı itibarı ile Hacettepe Üniversitesinin 50., İngiliz Dilbilimi Bölümünün ise 45. kuruluş yıldönümünü kutlamanın gurur ve mutluluğunu yaşamaktayız. Türkiye’deki ilk dilbilim bölümü olarak ...
    • Representations of Diasporic Identities in Britain 

      Bozer, A. Deniz; Oruç, Sinem; Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem; Gümüş, Ersoy; Horzum, Şafak; Danacı, Fahriye Selvi; Kurup, Indu B. (Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2017)
      The word “diaspora” is derived from the Greek words diaspeirō, meaning “I disperse”, “I scatter,” and diaspore meaning “dispersion” (“diaspeirō,” “diaspore”). Hence, diaspora refers to a scattered population and ...
    • On Sekizinci Yüzyılda İngiliz Kadın Yazarlar 

      Bozer, A.Deniz; Reis, Huriye; Erol, Burçin; Birlik, Nurten; Özüm, Aytül; Gültekin, Lerzan (Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2016)
      Ortaçağdan günümüze dek İngiliz kadın yazarları ele almayı amaçlayan dört kitaplık bir dizinin ikincisi olan bu çalışma yedi bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş’te on sekizinci yüzyılda edebiyat ve edebiyat dışı alanlarda ...
    • Innovative Representations of Sexualities in Studies in English 

      Bozer, A. Deniz; Yazgünoğlu, Kerim Can; Aykanat, Fatma; Ekmekçi, Çelik; Javanmard, Raziyeh; Salih, Ahmed Abdulsattar; Özmen, Özlem; Horzum, Şafak; Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem; Ağın Dönmez, Başak; Yılmaz Demirkaya, Neslihan; Erguvan, Mehmet; Kavruk, Fatma Ülkü (Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2016)
      This book comprises the papers presented by graduate students at the conference entitled “Innovative Representations of ‘Sexualities’ in Studies in English” organised by the Centre for British Literary and Cultural ...
    • Edebiyatta Savaşın Yansımaları 

      A. Bozer, Deniz; Acun, Fatma; Ülner, Nihat; Germen, Z. Ayça; Bozbeyoğlu, Sibel; Seber, Hande; Gökalp Alpaslan, G. Gonca (Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2015)
      Bu kitap Hacettepe Üniversitesi İngiliz Edebiyatı ve Kültürü Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi tarafından 26 Mart 2014’de Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nın başlangıcının 100. yılı dolayısıyla düzenlemiş olan “Edebiyatta Savaşın ...
    • Othering Nature in the Australian Novel: Postcolonial Ecocritical Reading of Kate Grenville’s The Secret River and Kim Scott’s That Deadman Dance 

      Şahin, Elif (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
      This thesis aims to discuss the destructive impact of British imperialism on colonised lands and its inhabitants through Kate Grenville’s The Secret River (2005) and Kim Scott’s That Deadman Dance (2010) within the scope ...
    • A Bhabhaesque Approach To Hybridity In Jean Rhys’s Wıde Sargasso Sea And Caryl Phıllıps’s The Fınal Passage 

      Çelikdoğan , Hatice (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021-06-18)
      This dissertation reads the main characters in Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) and Caryl Phillips’s The Final Passage (1985) as hybrids, owning a hybrid identity and experiencing in-betweenness. Employing Bhabha’s ...
    • The Supernatural and Punishment in Coleridge's Selected Works 

      Uzun, Ruken (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
      The supernatural, apart from being an element widening the range of imagination in literature from past to present, is an agent in the daily lives, folk and religious beliefs of people for explaining the unknown. As one ...
    • "Out of the Maze of Dualisms": Posthuman Space in Mario Petrucci and Alice Oswald's Poetry 

      Erkoç, Seçil (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020-07-23)
      In the light of recent theories of posthumanism that promote a non-anthropocentric perspective, this study examines the poems of contemporary British poets Mario Petrucci and Alice Oswald and argues that they write posthuman ...
    • The Chronotopic Nature of Things in Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway and Orlando 

      Bayraktar, Nurten (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
      Virginia Woolf’s novels are acknowledged as some of the most influential Modernist works dealing with issues of self and spirituality. However, her emphasis on materiality as an essential element in life and literature, ...