Akne vulgarisli hastalarda tümör nekrozis faktör α-308 G/A ve interlökin 1 β- 511 C/T polimorfizmlerinin incelenmesi
Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder which varies in severity in each individual and which may heal with scarring that lead deformities hard to treat. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF α) and interleukin 1 β (IL-1β) are considered as the main responsible proinflammatory mediators of acne pathogenesis. Oversecretion of these cytokines were found to be associated with TNF α-308 G>A and IL-1β-511 C<T polymorphisms. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the association of TNF α-308 and IL-1β-511 gene polymorphisms with acne and post-acne scarring susceptibility and acne severity. Study subjects included 90 patients with acne vulgaris (31 males, 59 females; mean age: 19.6±3.7years) and 30 healthy controls (11 males, 19 females; mean age: 19.2±5.1years). Patients were sub-grouped on the basis of acne severity into mild, moderate, and severe acne groups and on the presence post-acne scarring into scarring acne and non-scarring acne groups. Peripheral venous blood samples of all participants were obtained for performing real time PCR analysis for detecting TNF α-308 and IL-1β-511 genotypic variants. Among patients, 21.7 % (n=26) had mild, 22.5 % (n=27) had moderate, 30.8 % (n=37) had severe, and 30 % (n=36) had scarring acne.Genotypic variants of TNF α-308 and IL-1β-511 did not statistically different between acne patients and controls (P values: 0.245 and 0.466, respectively). When comparing cases-subgroups in terms of acne severity and presence of post-acne scarring; no statistical significance was observed regarding frequencies of genotypic variants related to the both TNF α-308 and IL-1β polymorphisms (all P> 0.05). In conclusion, TNF α-308 andIL-1β polymorphic variants showed no association with acne and post-acne scarring susceptibility and acne severity.