• Akdeniz'de Korsanlar ve Esirler Bağlamında Joseph Pitts ve Esâretnâmesi 

      Demir, Serkan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
      The Mediterranean, a conflict and meeting place, witnessed navigation a great number of captives captured by corsairs particularly XVI. and XVII. centuries. Some of these capitives, when they returned to their country, ...
    • Akdes Nimet Kurat (1903-1971): Bir Tarihçinin Portresi 

      Aydemir, Ulaş (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
      Akdes Nimet Kurat was one of the Turkic intellectuals who escaped from Russia to Republic of Turkey during foundation. He has many studies in history field such as Turkish history, history of Russia, Turkish-Russian relations ...
    • Alevî-Bektaşî Kültüründe Yaratılış Anlatıları ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet İlişkileri 

      Yüksel, Emine (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2016)
      The narratives of creation respond to the existential questions of the members of the society by addressing the issues such as how life came about, what it is, where it is revealed, what is being male and female, how they ...
    • An Appeal To The Global Health Community For A Tripartite Innovation: An "Essential Diagnostics List," "Health In All Policies," And "See-Through 21(St) Century Science And Ethics" 

      Dove, Edward S.; Barlas, I. Omer; Birch, Kean; Boehme, Catharina; Borda-Rodriguez, Alexander; Byne, William M.; Chaverneff, Florence; Coskun, Yavuz; Dahl, Marja-Liisa; Dereli, Turkay; Diwakar, Shyam; Elbeyli, Levent; Endrenyi, Laszlo; Eroglu-Kesim, Belgin; Ferguson, Lynnette R.; Gungor, Kivanc; Gursoy, Ulvi; Hekim, Nezih; Huzair, Farah; Kaushik, Kabeer; Kickbusch, Ilona; Kiroglu, Olcay; Kolker, Eugene; Kononen, Eija; Lin, Biaoyang; Llerena, Adrian; Malhan, Faruk; Nair, Bipin; Patrinos, George P.; Sardas, Semra; Sert, Ozlem; Srivastava, Sanjeeva; Steuten, Lotte M. G.; Toraman, Cengiz; Vayena, Effy; Wang, Wei; Warnich, Louise; Ozdemir, Vural (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc, 2015)
      Diagnostics spanning a wide range of new biotechnologies, including proteomics, metabolomics, and nanotechnology, are emerging as companion tests to innovative medicines. In this Opinion, we present the rationale for ...
    • Anadolu Selçuklu Uç Beyliğinden Müstakil Beyliğe Geçiş Sürecinde Batı Anadolu'da Siyasi Oluşumlar ve Meşruiyet Arayışları (1261-1350) 

      Makar, Serap (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024-01)
      The subject of this study is the changes experienced by the Turkmen beyliks on the Byzantine border of the Anatolian Seljuk State between 1261-1350 in the direction of state organization and their search for legitimacy in ...
    • Arhavi Kazası’nda İskân ve Nüfus (1486-1583) 

      Aydın, Kenan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
      AYDIN, Kenan. Settlement and Population in Arhavi Town (1486-1583), Master‟s Thesis, Ankara, 2018 The Ottoman State established its own hegemony over a very large territory in which different communities from different ...
    • Arnavut Milliyetçiliği (Rilindja Hareketi) 1878-1912 

      Kuş, Rafet (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024-02-02)
      Throughout history, various inventions have influenced the fate of societies. The power, impact, accessibility, and raw materials of these inventions have varied over time, and the position of individuals in the historical ...
    • Asker Liseliler: Musiki Muallim Mektebi Özelinde Askerlik Dersleri ve Uygulaması 

      Kazankaya, Sevda (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
      Military courses were added to the curriculum of civilian schools in 1926, as in the curriculum of military high schools, with the suggestion of Fevzi Pasha (Çakmak), the Chief of the Erkan-ı Harbiye-i General Presidency ...
    • Avrupa Tarihinde Türk Eli 

      Acun, Fatma; Acun, Ramazan; Ay, Resul; Berber, Ferhat; Birinci, Ali; Doğan, Güner; Erdoğan Özünlü, Emine; Gezer, Ömer; Güner, Selda; Kılıç, Rüya; Küçük, Serhat; Kulular, Ibrahem Ayşegül; Ocak, Ahmet Yaşar; Öz, Mehmet; Pınar, Hayrettin; Soy, H. Bayram; Topaktaş, Hacer; Yeşil, Fatih (Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2017)
      Tarihi olarak Türkiye, Türk Ülkesi veya Türk Eli değişken bir coğrafyaya ibaret etmiştir. Küçük Asya olarak adlandırılan Anadolu'yu da içeren Sel­çuklu topraklarına 13. yüzyıldan itibaren Venedikliler tarafından Turchia ...
    • Baktriya Devleti (MÖ III. - II. Yüzyıllar) 

      Saygılı, Emirhan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024-01)
      The history of Bactria, which is not well-known field even globally, appears as necessary to get attention more in Türkiye as well. Bactria, where is in Asia and far from the seas, is a distinctive region with its very ...
    • Balkan Gazetesi'ne Göre Bulgaristan'da Sosyal ve Siyasi Gelişmeler (1906-1908) 

      Şile, Taha Kemal (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)
      The newspaper became the most basic mass communication means in 19th century and in the first half of the 20th century. This means was also used and spread in the Ottoman Empire from the beginning of the 19th century. In ...
    • Balkanlar'da Melâmîlik ve Osmanlı Yönetimi (XVI.-XVII. Yüzyıllar) 

      Sabitoğulları, Selim (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)
      Melâmî movement is one of the most problematic issues of Ottoman mystical history. Bayramî-Melâmî order was established by Hacı Bayram-ı Velî at the second half of 15th century. Dede Ömer, successor of him developed ...
    • Berlin Büyükelçisi Kemalettin Sami Paşa'nın Raporlarından Weimar Cumhuriyetine Bakmak (1925-1933) 

      Koçak, Yunus (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-02-16)
      The Republic of Turkey is the result of nearly four years of the independence struggle against the victorious states of the Ottoman Empire Anatolian lands after the end of the First World War in 1918. On July 24, 1923, ...
    • Birinci Dünya Harbi Filistin Cephesi’nde ve İstiklâl Harbi Batı Cephesi’nde Hava Fotoğrafçılığı ve Keşfinin Etkinliği 

      Güvenbaş , Sehernaz (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019-05-27)
      The purpose of this interdisciplinary thesis study is to put the effects of science and technology on the history of war as well as on the development of the Turkish Military Aviation through a general evaluation of the ...
    • Birinci Dünya Savaşı Sırasında Ermeni Meselesinin İngiliz Basınına Yansımaları (1914-1918) 

      Korgan, Adnan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)
      The Armenian Question was a significant problem for the Ottoman State in both political and diplomatic aspects in late 19th century and early 20th century. After Ottoman State went to World War I, this question gained a ...
    • Birinci ve İkinci Dönem (1920-1927) TBMM Tutanaklarında Gündelik Hayat Tartışmaları 

      Büyük, Zeynep (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018-10)
      A prejudice that the TBMM-GNAT (Grand National Assembly of Turkey) is engaged only in the institutionalization of the newly established Republic in the aftermath of the National Struggle is shared by almost everyone in the ...
    • Bizans'a Giden Yolda Varegler (11. Yüzyıl) 

      Özbay, Sena (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
      ÖZBAY, Sena. Varangians on the Road to Byzantium (11. Century), Master’s Thesis, Ankara, 2020. The Scandinavian incursions that started in 793 at Lindisfarne and that came to affect whole Europe helped reshape the social ...
    • Bolşevik Ütopya ve Türkistan Kadını (1917 - 1953): Özbek ve Kazak - Kırgız Örnekleri 

      Esenkan Kyzy, Symbat (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024)
      The 20th century witnessed a myriad of global transformations, marked by revolutions, two world wars, and the emergence of two imperial powers. Concurrently, this era saw the dismantling of old empires, the rise of independent ...
    • Bosna Gazetesi’ne Göre 1875 Hersek İsyanı 

      Çoban, Sezer (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-09-27)
      Newspapers form the basis of the mass media used in the XIX. century. The Ottoman Empire also used newspapers in order to establish a bond with its people and to keep the communication between the center and the countryside ...
    • Bozkırda Devlet: Hükümdar, Hanedan ve Boylar 

      Yavrucuk, Gökay (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      Some theories argue that major political events of the Steppe history as a result of Chinese history. Theories based on the premise that steppe peoples live on the same economic activities and are dependent China ...