Demirci, N. Investigating of Step Count School Time and Out of School time in 11-13 Aged Children Engaged in Outdoor Sports Activity. Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences, M.Sc. Thesis in Sport Sciences and Technology Program, Ankara, 2017. The purpose of this study is both to investigate step count which is taken during school time, out of the school time, week days, weekend, sport and non sport days of boys and girls aged 11-13, who do regular sport activity at least one day in a week and to determine whether or not step count which they take is at the recommended level. 41 boys (11,95 ± 0,89 years) and 39 girls (12±0,79 years) were included in this study. After anthropometric measurements, step counts were determined by using ActiGraph wGT3x-BT accelerometer for seven days. This device was weared to wrist of participants except sleep times, swimming and shower. Independent samples t test and One-way ANOVA were used to determine the difference between gender and ages, respectively. As a result, there was significance difference in step count between gender in terms of a total week, weekdays, school time, Saturday, sport and nonsport days (p<0,05). While no difference was found in terms of out of school time, weekend and Sunday (p>0,05). Furthermore, there was no significance difference in the girls in terms of all time period that was investigated in the study (p>0,05). In the boy, we obtained a significant difference in step counts between ages in all time period except sport days. When we compared step count in terms of weekdays and weekend, school time and out of school time, sport and nonsport days, significance difference was found in both genders (p<0,05). It has been observed that the recommended step count was only reached in the sport days in the girls. When compared to others time period, step count in the most of the boys was higher than the recommended step count in weekdays and sport days. In conclusion, when compared to others time period, the recommended step count in sport days is at the peak level for both genders. According to findings of this study, step count could be increased by participating regular sports activities during childhood for both gender.
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