Geriatri Polikliniği Ve Huzurevi Hastalarının STOPP/START ve MAI Kriterleri ile Değerlendirilmesi ve Müdahalelerin Yapılmasında Klinik Eczacının Rolü
In this thesis, second version of "Screening Tool of Older People’s Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions (STOPP)” and " Screening Tool to Alert Doctors to Right Treatment (START)” criteria have been used to determine current situation about inappropriate prescription in Turkey and the suitability of the criteria for Turkish patients. The presence of potentially inappropriate medication or neglected medication in the elderly may cause and increase the incidence of falls, fractures, postoperative complications, worsening of accompanying diseases, mortality and hospitalization. It is noteworthy that among the most common mistake that are determined according to the STOPP criteria is “prescribed medications without indication” and among them most seen ones are proton pomp inhibitors. Annual influenza vaccination and one-time pneumococcal vaccination are recommended in the 2nd version of the START criteria. It has been determined that most patients did not met these vaccinations criteria. According to the MAI criteria, medication inappropriateness was determined depending on the practitioner but not as comprehensive as the STOPP / START criteria.
Improving the prescription quality and using appropriate medications for the efficacy of the treatment is necessary to provide the optimum treatment for geriatric outpatient clinic and nursing home patients. Therefore, the contribution of using these available criteria is important, however modification of these criteria according to the certain population needs to be considered.