Anne-Çocuk Etkileşimi Değerlendirme Envanterinin Geliştirilmesi ve Anne-Çocuk Etkileşim Profillerinin Belirlenmesi
Bozkurt Yükçü, Şuheda
Bozkurt Yükçü, Şuheda
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This study aims to develop an inventory that holistically evaluates mother-child interaction during the 0-3 age period, considering the dimensions of the mother, child, and mutual interaction. Additionally, the study seeks to identify culture-specific interaction profiles using this inventory.The research was conducted in four stages with a total of 1,535 mothers of children aged 0-3 years: 1) Pilot study (45 mothers), 2) Exploratory Factor Analysis and Latent Profile Analysis (498 mothers), 3) Confirmatory Factor Analysis, criterion validity, and Latent Profile Analysis (518 mothers and 20 mother-child dyads), 4) Short-form inventory study and Latent Profile Analysis (454 mothers). The analyses revealed that the "Mother-Child Interaction Inventory" consists of three subscales: Mother Interaction Behavior Questionnaire, Child Interaction Behavior Questionnaire, Mutual Attunement Questionnaire. The validity and reliability of both the long and short forms of this inventory have been established. Additionally, the inventory, developed based on maternal reports, was found to be moderately correlated with observational interaction measures, confirming its criterion validity. As a result of Latent Profile Analyses, four distinct interaction profiles were identified in the long form, while two different profiles emerged in the short form.These profiles were categorized as: “Excellent Interaction Quality”, two distinct “Average Interaction Quality” profiles, “Poor interaction quality.” Additionally, the inventory, which is based on maternal reports, was found to have a moderate correlation with observational interaction measures, confirming its criterion validity. The quality of mother-child interaction has been found to be determined by maternal and child behaviors as well as their mutual adaptation level. Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate all aspects of interaction both separately and holistically. This study makes significant contributions to the child development literature by providing an assessment system that is suitable for evaluating all interaction parameters both individually and in terms of overall interaction quality. Additionally, by analyzing culture-specific interaction profiles through a person-centered approach, it offers valuable insights into mother-child interactions within different cultural contexts.
Bozkurt Yükçü, Ş., Anne-Çocuk Etkileşimi Değerlendirme Envanterinin Geliştirilmesi ve Anne-Çocuk Etkileşim Profillerinin Belirlenmesi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Çocuk Gelişimi Programı Doktora Tezi, Ankara, 2025.İlgili öğeler
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