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This thesis makes a theological-political reading of the concept of sovereignty through Jacques Derrida. In this respect, Derrida, a contemporary thinker, shows that sovereignty is an unconditional and indivisible power with self-determining theological origin and preserves these characteristics. Sovereignty has been transformed at this point, and it marks a critical moment in the crisis of the modern world. In the last years of Derrida's life, it is seen that he made a theological-political reading of sovereignty through concepts by criticizing Schmitt's conception of the political. The concept of sovereignty corresponds to a political theory in contemporary thought within the theological conception. The establishment of sovereignty based on the logocentric model of “one” and “single” and the visibility of the “non-multiplicity” of logocentrism in contemporary theory with the political theological recall brings new debates to the agenda since it is the main focus of Derrida's critique of Schmitt. The compression of the problem of the concentration of sovereignty in a single hand and the ontotheological origin of sovereignty becomes the determinant of today's crisis. The metaphysical violence of Schmitt's notion of the political as the sovereign deciding on friend and foe in a state of emergency forms the basis of Derrida's political-theological reading of sovereignty. In this critical reading, the political-theological understanding of sovereignty that established modernity will be discussed with concepts such as the concept of political, undecidability, différance, the death penalty, forgiveness, democracy, cosmopolitanism, and secularism. Then, it will be argued that the ontotheological origin of digital sovereignty, as a situation in which sovereignty is transformed today, consists of data. In this context, by emphasizing the transformation of sovereignty throughout the study, it will be noted that the concept of border, which is one of the essential elements of traditional sovereignty, has blurred with digitalization, territorial sovereignty has lost its importance, and new theological-political reading possibilities will be emphasized in cyberspace, where algorithms and digital actors establish sovereignty claims on big data and participation in the decision process.