The period between the fifth and sixth centuries is a period in which the Syriac tradition and its churches that emerged from this tradition took shape, wich also have survived to the present day. In 451, the Syriac Orthodox Church was founded by those who opposed the Council of Chalcedon and were initially known as the “Jacobites” or “Western Syriacs”. Syriac Philoxenus (485-519), Severus of Antioch (512-518), John of Tellalı (482-538) and James Baradaeus (543-578) played an important role in the foundation of the Syriac Orthodox Church and its hierarchical system. It is known that Syriac literary culture began as early as the second century and that translations of the holy books were made at this time. Syriacs produced translation revision works such as Diatessaron, Old Syriac Version, Old-New Testament Peshitta, Syro-Hexapla, Filüksunoyto and Harkel Version. They also produced liturgical books. The Syriac Orthodox experienced a significant period of stagnation in manuscript production between the seventh and eleventh centuries. This was followed by a significant increase in manuscript production between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries. The term “Renaissance” has been used for this period. However, this term is controversial and not accepted by some scholars. Our research covers manuscripts with inventory numbers MS37, MS38, MS41 and MS51, which date to this period and are housed in the Kırklar Church in Mardin. Manuscripts MS37, MS38 and M41 are decorated with similar scenes and ornaments such as scenes from the life of Jesus and Mary, martyrdom stories, and miracle scenes. Manuscript MS51 is decorated with six (6) functional geometric ornaments only in the text.