Bakla Tepe Erken Tunç Çağı Seramiğinin Ege Arkeolojisindeki Yeri Ve Önemi
Within the scope of the study, ceramics uncovered from both the buildings and the graves have been examined. As a result of this examination, the ceramics classified into three groups as fine, medium and coarse have been evaluated in different subgroups considering the characteristics such as material-technique and surface work. According to this evaluation, it is observed that the medium coarse ceramics constitute the determinative ceramic group of Bakla Tepe in the Early Bronze Age I. When all these groups are taken into account, it is understood that the black slipped and burnished ceramics form the most frequently encountered examples in both phases.All of the ceramics are hand-made.At Bakla Tepe, where 14 different types of pottery are observed, the pottery recovered from the settlement and the burial ground differs from each other.The fact that the pottery found in the graves is not present within the settlement area reveals that this pottery was made particularly for the graves