Türkiye ve Cezayir'deki Nosema spp. Enfeksiyon oranlarının Çevresel ve Arıcılık Parametreleri Açısından Karşılaştırılması
Recently, there has been a serious decrease in the global bee population for many reasons.
One of the most important of these reasons is nosemosis infection, which is an adult honey
bees disease that representing a wide spread all over the world.
The aim of this study was to measure the prevalence of Nosema spp. in two countries,
Algeria and Turkey, and to analyze the different factors that can cause this infection.
İn this study, a survey was conducted towards beekeepers of both countries. The survey
results led to general information about colony losses’ causes in the period 2020/2021, the
used beekeeping management, knowledge about Nosema, and supposing the different
factors that may affect the presence of nosemosis infection.
Moreover, Nosema diagnosis using two methods, namely, microscopic (haemocytometric
method) for N. spp. spores counting, and molecular (PCR analysis) for N. spp. Species
identification was performed. The results of the microscopic analyses showed a range
between (0,25 ± 0,1 - 8,68 ± 2,6) ×10 6 in Turkey, thus, in Algeria was between (0 - 5,35 ±
1,2) ×10 6 spores per bee. The PCR results revealed the dominance of N. ceranae and the
absence of N. apis species in the experienced samples of both countries.
The obtained results in this study led to measure the impact of the geographical differences
from climatic conditions, honey bee breeds to the beekeeping structure on the global
prevalence of Nosema spp. disease with its two species in cause.