Occupant Protection By Seats At High Speed Impacts
Recent advances in autonomous cars promise that we will be able to have these cars in the near future. However, one of the advantages we expect these cars to offer us is the option of positioning the passengers in the car in different directions. One of the most likely options here is to place the passengers in the reversing direction. It is also known statistically that frontal collisions in vehicles are both more severe and more frequent. When evaluated in this context, the risk of neck trauma for the rear-facing person can be considered as more likely. In addition, when the test conditions of the new cars on the market are considered, it is not yet known how adequate these conditions are for autonomous vehicles, but it is possible that autonomous vehicles are likely to experience higher impact probabilities. In addition, it is predicted that high-severity crashes will create additional forces on the vehicle and the passenger. Within the scope of this thesis, the protection of the passengers, who are planned to sit in the rear-facing direction, against high-severity impacts with damping systems to be integrated into the seat and changes to be made in the seat structure has been discussed.