AR-GE Harcamaları ve Nanoteknoloji Patentleri Arasındaki İlişkinin Analizi: Gelişmiş, Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler ve Türkiye için Bir Uygulama
Nowadays, innovation is a concept that attracts the attention of both countries and firms and is frequently on the agenda. For this reason, the measurement of innovation is a subject of interest for researchers. It is also significant to examine the relationship between research and development (R&D) and patents, which are used as indicators and measurement tools of innovation. This study analyzes the relationship between total R&D expenditures and nanotechnology patent applications of developed countries, developing countries and Türkiye between the years of 2006 and 2022. The main objective is to analyzes how a change in R&D expenditures leads to an increase or decrease in the number of nanotechnology patent applications for developed and developing countries and Türkiye. Also it is tried to be determined Türkiye's position between developed and developing countries. Within the scope of this study, the analysis of the secondary data obtained from OECD and USPTO was analyzed by panel data and simple linear regression method by using Stata 14.2, IBM SPSS Statistics 23 and E-Views 12 programs. According to the findings of the analysis, there are moderate and positive relationships between R&D expenditures and nanotechnology patents for developed countries and strong and positive relationships for developing countries and Türkiye. In the R&D and patent literature and thesis studies, there is no study examining the relationship between nanotechnology patents and R&D expenditures. Therefore, it is thought that the findings of this study will contribute to the literature for Türkiye, developing economies and developed economies.